javiii Publicado 24 de Enero del 2009 Denunciar Publicado 24 de Enero del 2009 Buenas, he sacado esta información de http://www.geocities.com/a6retrofit/articles/a5vagcodes.html, creo que puede ser interesante: Interesting VAG-COM codes for Audi A5 - probably A4 B8 too, maybe A6 etc. as well (by LoCal) 27.6.2008 (updated 13.1.2009) - Fellow Audi enthusiast LoCal continues with his contributions, this time by collecting interesting VAG-COM codes for Audis from various forums. Thanks LoCal and all the original posters linked here! VAG-COM is a cable and software package by Ross-Tech (www.ross-tech.com) that allows diagnosing and changing maintenance-shop level software settings in Audis and other Volkswagen Group vehicles. In this article I have collected interesting VAG-COM settings for Audi A5, which are possibly relevant for other models as well, especially Audi A4 B8 but probably other, especially MMI based cars, too. WARNING! If you don't know what you are doing, don't do anything with VAG-COM. You can seriously mess up the settings of your car with this tool. I have not personally tried any of the settings listed here, I have collected them from the Internet and provided the links for you to check out the original postings. Please verify any changes you intend to make from other sources as well. The risk is all yours. Also note, there may be market-to-market and model-year differences in how these settings affect your car. A setting that might work for someone else does not necessarily work for you. That said, here are some of the interesting tweaks you can make with VAG-COM: Hidden menu: C99 reported (http://www.a5oc.com/forums/showthread.php/check-oil-2909/index.html?p=32223) in an A5OC.com thread how you can access a hidden maintenance menu via MMI. (This may require the "real" MMI, it may not work on a Concert/Symphony radio. See here for more on the "real" MMI vs. radios: http://www.geocities.com/a6retrofit/articl...a5realmmi.html). Apparently you can access this hidden menu by holding down CAR and SETUP for five seconds. There are whole host of settings you can access here, like adjusting MMI timings, visible options - apparently you can even adjust the TV blackout speed or remove it. I hear you can also make CAR menu selections appear without speed limit. WARNING! According to reports don't select "Bootloader", it will lock the system in a software update mode without a way out (http://www.a5oc.com/forums/showthread.php/interesting-vag-com-3442/index.html?p=38153)... Some general info on the same/similar hidden menu in A6 is here: http://www.motor-talk.de/forum/aktion/Atta...3&ajax=true. If this menu doesn't work and your MMI version is up to date, you need to enable the menu with the following VAG-COM steps: Head unit controller (07), Adaptation, Channel 8, change 0 to 1, Save. --- UPDATE by mk 13.10.2008: Useful links below for more information on the hidden menu. A Video tour of the new and old US Car+Setup menus... http://www.navplus.us/forums/showthread.php?t=6193 German hidden menu description http://www.motor-talk.de/bbs/Attachment.ac...3&ajax=true Hidden menu i the MMI http://www.motor-talk.de/forum/hidden-menu...i-t1560482.html Thanks to kkrull for pointing these out! --- Battery and oil level in CAR menu: Although the sensor information is available in many cars for either of these settings, it is disabled by default in many cars. From the hidden menu mentioned above you can enable these CAR menu entries by selecting, from the hidden menu, DIAG SETTING, then Car Menus Maske, enabling the settings you want and then clicking Accept Changes. See the hidden link URLs above for more information and pictures on this. You may need to restart MMI/car before these take effect. (That posting is also partially quoted here as a "mirror": http://www.ultimatevw.com/keskustelu/?cmd=...5&sivu=45.) Adaptive cruise control default distance: In cars with adaptive cruise control the default distance (1 to 4) can be changed from the CAR menu. If this menu option is hidden in you car, apparently you can enable it with VAG-COM. From the Auto distance regulation module 13, Adaptation, Channel 7, change 0 to 1, Save. Thanks must also go to Ville_K for this and confirmation of other information here (Finnish report here: http://www.ultimatevw.com/keskustelu/?cmd=...45&sivu=47). Removing seat belt chime: Seat belt warning chime is possible to disable/enable from VAG-COM: Instruments 17, Coding, Long coding helper, Seat belt warning active active/inactive, Transfer coding, Do it!. Thanks to Ville_K and also Ross-Tech (http://www.ross-tech.com/vag-com/cars/audiB8.html). Convenience opening of windows: In some markets the ability to open and close windows with the keyfob (by holding down lock/unlock key) is disabled. Ross-Tech reports in the link above that by going to Cent. Conv. 46, Coding, Long Coding Helper, clicking Comfort Operation: Remote Control active, then Transfer coding, Do it!. Phone voice control: Cars without full speech dialogue system, but a phone-prep or an Audi Bluetooth phone, come standard with phone speech control. However, it is not enabled or fully enabled in all markets. In the U.S. it is fully disabled (some reports of info from dealers/Audi claim problems if enabling it), in some other markets it is set in limited mode that only allows saving and selecting of voice tags, not actual speech dialogue with the phone. Luckily you can change this with VAG-COM by editing module Telephone (77), Coding, and changing the second last digit in Software coding, options are e.g.: 0 disabled, 2 English UK, 9 allow only voice tags. So if you have it set to 9, changing it to 2 would enable phone-related speech dialogue which you can try out by saying HELP. There are a few different languages built in too. For references see this fine AudiWorld thread (http://forums.audiworld.com/a5/msgs/15745.phtml), also Ville_K reported in Finnish (http://www.ultimatevw.com/keskustelu/?cmd=aihe&id=9845&sivu=47). Daytime running lights behaviour: Daytime running lights (DRLs) behave differently in different markets, for example the front LED light strips that accompany Xenon lights turn off or dim in some markets when blinking/signalling. Aerodave on A5OC.com has researched this and posted his experiences here: http://www.a5oc.com/forums/showthread.php/...2468/index.html. In short, he reports that changing Central Electronics 09, Submodule 0 (Master Cent. Elec. box, rather than a slave module), Byte 3 (fourth from the left), Bit 7 (first bit from the left in the binary representation, bottom check box in the VAG-COM long coding helper) is the key. If set to 1, setting it to 0 makes the DRLs stay on when signalling. Thanks to Aerodave and please see the full thread for more! UPDATE 30.6./2.7.2008: Aerodave - thanks! - sent this great list of additional bits you can toggle and turn to change the DRL behaviour. For submodule 0: Byte 02 bit 0 - bit 1 - front side markers as DRL bit 2 - headlights as DRL bit 3 - fog lights as DRL bit 4 - LED strip as DRL bit 5 - bit 6 - side markers as DRL bit 7 - tail lights as DRL Byte 03 bit 0 - bit 1 - bit 2 - LEDs remain at full brightness with parking lights bit 3 - bit 4 - Turns off DRLs when checked bit 5 - bit 6 - bit 7 - Turn off LED-strip DRL with turn signal (dim LED if front side marker also selected as DRL) Byte 10 bit 3 - Set to 0 to disable amber side markers (U.S. vehicles) See also: http://www.a5oc.com/forums/showthread.php/...3490/index.html UPDATE 9.7./13.7.2008: Apparently Ross-Tech have added long coding helper labels for A5 Central Electronics module in later versions of their VAG-COM/VCDS software. The downside of this seems to be that you can not easily edit bits unknown to the software, like the bits controlling some aspects of day-time running light behaviour (previously they just had checkboxes without labels for easy changing). If you need to change these bits using VAG-COM and you can't see the easy checkboxes in your version, you need to edit either the module coding binary representation or the bytes manually. Aerodave reporrts here http://www.a5oc.com/forums/showthread.php/...ex.html?p=39477 that you also need to hit tab, up or down after entering bits or byte manually in order to save them before exiting the long coding helper. If you choose to edit individual bytes, some instructions: When you need to change, say, bit 1 in Central Electronics submodule 0 byte 02 (front side markers as DRL) make note of the value displayed for byte 02 currently in the long coding helper. It is a byte displayed in hexadecimal numbers, ranging from 00 to FF (that is 0 to 255 in "regular" numbers, hex values just use letters A to F in addition to numbers). You will need to take the hex value of byte 02, convert it to binary representation, i.e. bit form (a byte consists of eight bits so the resulting "bit form" would be something like 10010001, eight zeros or ones), change the bit you want to change, and convert the bits back to a hex value that you can enter to the VAG-COM software in place of the old hex value. You can use e.g. this hexadecimal converter http://www.mathsisfun.com/binary-decimal-h...-converter.html or any other capable converter or calculator if you don't know exactly how to do the math yourself. In the linked converter, type the hexadecimal value from VAG-COM to the hex field and you can see the bits in the top-most binary field of the converter. Change the bits you like and note the resulting hex value. In bit math bits are entered from right to left, the right-most bit being the bit 0 and the left-most bit 7. So, if you need to change bit 1, change the second digit from the right. To change, say, bit 7, change the first digit from the left. After changing the bits in the calculator, you can enter the resulting hex value to VAG-COM to replace to existing hexadecimal byte value there. If bit math isn't your thing, apparently you could also remove the labels file for the particular module from the VAG-COM directory (Labels sub-directory) to be able to see and click the unlabeled bit checkboxes again. See here: http://www.a5oc.com/forums/showthread.php/...3585/index.html DVD navigation eject lock: Ross-Tech reports that by adjusting channel 068 in the Navigation module you can lock the DVD navigation eject button (anti-theft), 0 = button active, 1 = button inactive. http://wiki.ross-tech.com/index.php/Audi_A...tion#Adaptation Enabling lap timer and gauge test/needle sweep (update 31.7.2008): Ross-Tech have published (http://www.ross-tech.com/vag-com/cars/audiB8.html) instructions and a new version of their software (make sure you have the latest) to enable or disable lap timer (Instruments 17, coding, long coding helper and check Lap Timer active under one of the bytes, click them to find it) and gauge test/needle sweep in the instrument cluster (Instruments 17, coding, long coding helper and check Gauge Test/Needle Sweep active under one of the bytes). UPDATE 4.8.2008: See the Interesting VAG COM codes for A5/S5 thread on A5OC.com (http://www.a5oc.com/forums/showthread.php/interesting-vag-com-3442/index.html?p=42747) for more interesting notes on these and other VAG-COM codes. Sebastian from Ross-Tech comments there that A5 coding is surprisingly close to A3 (and unlike A6) in many parts. UPDATE 13.1.2009: Enabling/disabling doors locked/alarm armed sound: It is possible to enable the beep the car makes when locking doors in European models and likely to disable the beep in U.S. models that beep by default (and vice-versa of course). Just make sure you have the latest VCDS/VAG COM updates installed and check/uncheck the checkbox Anti-Theft-System: Horn Confirmation active in 46 Central Conv., Long Coding, Byte 01, Bit 2. This may require that factory alarm is installed on the car. Ross-Tech also recently updated their A5 VAG COM codings to include a vast amount of instrument cluster codings, see the updated list for things like enabling/disabling washer fluid warning: http://wiki.ross-tech.com/index.php/Audi_A...trument_Cluster A lot of other VAG-COM settings have been published for A5, which I am not going to repeat here, see the following links for starting points. Many things can be adjusted, like fuel calculation, tire circumference for non-GPS navigation calculations etc.: http://www.a5oc.com/forums/showthread.php/...2211/index.html (see post 25) http://www.ultimatevw.com/keskustelu/?cmd=...845&sivu=33 (previous post mirrored here if you scroll down the page) http://wiki.ross-tech.com/index.php/Audi_A5/S5_(8T) (Ross-Tech's diagnostics page) http://de.openobd.org/ (large generic German VAG-COM coding site) http://oooo-a3.blogspot.com/2006/02/a3-can...-worksheet.html (Audi A3 codings, some of them might be useful for A5 too) (Links updated 4.8.2008.) Good luck and be careful! Remember to make notes and "backups" of any settings you change so that you can try to go back if something goes wrong. Please be aware that VAG-COM is potentially a dangerous tool, you can mess something up. By LoCal Responder
Ange Publicado 25 de Enero del 2009 Denunciar Publicado 25 de Enero del 2009 ??????????!! Lo importante del post se entiene perfectamente: WARNING! If you don’t know what you are doing, don’t do anything with VAG-COM. Good luck and be careful! Que no enredes si si no sabes lo que estas haciendo, y que tengas suerte si lo haces. Un saludote, cuidadin, y sobre todo suerte, Angel Responder
jabicho Publicado 25 de Enero del 2009 Denunciar Publicado 25 de Enero del 2009 Yo lo único que saco en claro de todo esto es que los que no tenemos navegador sólo podemos acceder al menú oculto activandolo con el Vag-com...que yo tampoco tengo, por cierto "If point 1, CAR and SETUP, does not work, you should find someone who has VAG-COM (VCDS). Open Head unit controler (07) go to 10-Adaptation, chanel 8, test and save "1". This enable opening MMI coding menu" Responder
ivarfa Publicado 25 de Enero del 2009 Denunciar Publicado 25 de Enero del 2009 Yo he probado con el vag-com, (por cierto gracias Javiii por lo de las labels), y los que no tenemos el MMI high(con navi) no podemos activar el menú oculto porque no tenemos el módulo 07. A no ser que haya otra manera de activarlo, yo no la he encontrado. Por otro lado, lo único que he podido activar y que funcione, ha sido el test de agujas al arrancar, he quitado el dichoso pito del cinturón y he activado un cronómetro. S2 Responder
a cuatrero Publicado 25 de Enero del 2009 Denunciar Publicado 25 de Enero del 2009 Una pregunta de un ignorante xDD ¿Donde se conecta el cable Vag-Com en el coche?? XDD Esque no lo se pero me daba verguenza preguntarlo jeje Saludos desde mi completa ignorancia Responder
ivarfa Publicado 25 de Enero del 2009 Denunciar Publicado 25 de Enero del 2009 Una pregunta de un ignorante xDD¿Donde se conecta el cable Vag-Com en el coche?? XDD Esque no lo se pero me daba verguenza preguntarlo jeje Saludos desde mi completa ignorancia Tranquilo, todos hemos empezado así, se conecta debajo del volante, cerca del pedal del embrague, un conector de color lila. S2 Responder
a cuatrero Publicado 25 de Enero del 2009 Denunciar Publicado 25 de Enero del 2009 Muchas gracias IVARFA Responder
jabicho Publicado 25 de Enero del 2009 Denunciar Publicado 25 de Enero del 2009 Yo he probado con el vag-com, (por cierto gracias Javiii por lo de las labels), y los que no tenemos el MMI high(con navi) no podemos activar el menú oculto porque no tenemos el módulo 07. A no ser que haya otra manera de activarlo, yo no la he encontrado.Por otro lado, lo único que he podido activar y que funcione, ha sido el test de agujas al arrancar, he quitado el dichoso pito del cinturón y he activado un cronómetro. S2 O sea que ,por ejemplo, para ver el nivel de la bateria necesitas activar ese menú oculto, ¿no? Responder
Tonimix Publicado 25 de Enero del 2009 Denunciar Publicado 25 de Enero del 2009 Hay algunas opciones en las que indica que una vez marcado se resetee el MMI. ¿Cual es la combinación de teclas para su reseteo? Responder
ivarfa Publicado 25 de Enero del 2009 Denunciar Publicado 25 de Enero del 2009 Yo he probado con el vag-com, (por cierto gracias Javiii por lo de las labels), y los que no tenemos el MMI high(con navi) no podemos activar el menú oculto porque no tenemos el módulo 07. A no ser que haya otra manera de activarlo, yo no la he encontrado.Por otro lado, lo único que he podido activar y que funcione, ha sido el test de agujas al arrancar, he quitado el dichoso pito del cinturón y he activado un cronómetro. S2 O sea que ,por ejemplo, para ver el nivel de la bateria necesitas activar ese menú oculto, ¿no? En principio sí. Necesitas activar el menú oculto para la batería o sea que los que no llevamos navi, de momento no lo podemos activar. Trasteando con el vag vi que había muchas pestañas que no tenían explicación(label) de lo que eran, quizás en próximas actualizaciones que saquen, se puedan activar nuevas funciones. Responder
ivarfa Publicado 25 de Enero del 2009 Denunciar Publicado 25 de Enero del 2009 Hay algunas opciones en las que indica que una vez marcado se resetee el MMI.¿Cual es la combinación de teclas para su reseteo? Por ahí recuerdo haber leido algo de que era un poco chungo hacer ese reset(bootloader), a veces se quedaban colgados y acababa la gente en el taller. Creo que había una opción en el menú oculto para grabar los cambios, algo como un botón "save". Creo que los cambios también se aplican sin hacer reset si dejas el coche parado unas horas, por ejemplo, cambiar lo que quieras por la noche y esperar a la mañana siguiente. S2 Responder
jabicho Publicado 25 de Enero del 2009 Denunciar Publicado 25 de Enero del 2009 Yo he probado con el vag-com, (por cierto gracias Javiii por lo de las labels), y los que no tenemos el MMI high(con navi) no podemos activar el menú oculto porque no tenemos el módulo 07. A no ser que haya otra manera de activarlo, yo no la he encontrado.Por otro lado, lo único que he podido activar y que funcione, ha sido el test de agujas al arrancar, he quitado el dichoso pito del cinturón y he activado un cronómetro. S2 O sea que ,por ejemplo, para ver el nivel de la bateria necesitas activar ese menú oculto, ¿no? En principio sí. Necesitas activar el menú oculto para la batería o sea que los que no llevamos navi, de momento no lo podemos activar. Trasteando con el vag vi que había muchas pestañas que no tenían explicación(label) de lo que eran, quizás en próximas actualizaciones que saquen, se puedan activar nuevas funciones. Vaya, a ver si algún dia se puede llegar a conseguir, la bateria es la vida de este coche y me parece muy interesante lo del nivel...saludos Responder
Tonimix Publicado 25 de Enero del 2009 Denunciar Publicado 25 de Enero del 2009 Yo he probado con el vag-com, (por cierto gracias Javiii por lo de las labels), y los que no tenemos el MMI high(con navi) no podemos activar el menú oculto porque no tenemos el módulo 07. A no ser que haya otra manera de activarlo, yo no la he encontrado.Por otro lado, lo único que he podido activar y que funcione, ha sido el test de agujas al arrancar, he quitado el dichoso pito del cinturón y he activado un cronómetro. S2 ¿Y como se activa el test de agujas? Responder
ivarfa Publicado 26 de Enero del 2009 Denunciar Publicado 26 de Enero del 2009 Yo he probado con el vag-com, (por cierto gracias Javiii por lo de las labels), y los que no tenemos el MMI high(con navi) no podemos activar el menú oculto porque no tenemos el módulo 07. A no ser que haya otra manera de activarlo, yo no la he encontrado.Por otro lado, lo único que he podido activar y que funcione, ha sido el test de agujas al arrancar, he quitado el dichoso pito del cinturón y he activado un cronómetro. S2 ¿Y como se activa el test de agujas? en el módulo 17, marcar ésta casilla(bit 0), la verdad que queda guapo y para el cronómetro el bit 3(lap timer): S2 Responder
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