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Todo lo publicado por AudiTransporter

  1. Hola, pues te explico: Si tengo ampli y subwoofer original de audi, eso se soluciona comprando un cable adaptador que cuesta unos 17 euros. Con eso tienes Bose, subwoofer y todo el sonido original. Lo del cargador como dices es lo de menos, y lo malo es lo del navegador. De todas maneras has tenido suerte porque yo estuve siguinedo algun concert panasonic y todos se iban a los 120 euros o mas, y como te he dicho me niego a pagar eso por un radio cassette (que no radio cd) Lo dicho enhorabuena porque la cosa te ha salido muy bien. Saludos
  2. Es la unica solucion que le veo yo. Al final pasé de todo y me compré una Alpine, es una pena, pero me niego a pagar de 400 a 700 euros por un radio casette saludos
  3. AudiTransporter


    Bienvenido compañero, uno mas que hace crecer esta gran familia. Saludos
  4. Yo tambien lo vi hace algun tiempo, y si hubiese mas jueces como el, los niños no tendrian tanta tonteria...se les da muchos derechos, pero ninguna obligacion, y ASI vamos Saludos
  5. Hola, no se si es en el foro general o en el de mecanica, tienes TODOS los manuales y modificaciones de muchos foreros, pasate por allí y veras que tienes respuesta a lo que pides Saludos
  6. Arguiñana.... ¿y esa quien es? Oye arguiñana, espero que la cocina (y otras cosas) se te den mejor que escribir mensajes porque ..tres horas para escribir eso... :clap1: Bueno familia, pues a cuidarmela bien...eh y nada de barbaridades que me la asustais :clap1:
  7. Pachitooooo, ya te has cargado la gracia ya lo has "cascaooo" todo ... En fin habrá que ir esta noche a reirse un rato no?
  8. Que capuuuuuuuuuuuuullos sois, :clap1: , por lo de las llantas y por el semaforoooooo Anda que os ha faltado tiempo ¿como os habreis enterado? :ranting2: Nos vemos luego S2
  9. Bienvenida, ya va siendo hora de que el publico femenino se anime a postear en el foro, que no nos comemos a nadie...bueno quizás a alguna si En fin que enhorabuena por pertenecer a este foro y animarte a escribir Podrias decir que coche tienes y como lo limpias, o cualquier cosa que te apetezca. saludos
  10. Hola familia, no es por desanimar, pero no se puede hacer nada, la averia es del micro chip que controla la mayor parte de los procesos de la concert, y no se puede cambiar porque es la parte mas cara del aparato. No os volvais locos, porque no hay nada que hacer, os pongo la averia en ingles y al final los modelos afectados, es un rollo, pero si entendeis algo de ingles, es interesante. Saludos Problem of Some AUDI Chorus and AUDI Concert Autoradio Models, or "Delayed-Action Mine" from Blaupunkt Company Autoradios equipped with standard details usually have a considerable reliability margin in comparison with "mass consumption" devices. So it caused our interest when in 1999 several AUDI Concert autoradios from Blaupunkt Company with the same defect (the volume control system became disable) were brought to our workshop. The initial analysis of this problem took us to an inauspicious conclusion. Only in one case the reason was a loosen screw of the volume control knob. In all the other cases the reason of the volume control disability was the failure of the internal non-volatile memory (EEPROM) of the system main microcontroller. To solve this problem we had to replace the chip by a different one. To our great disappointment those autoradios had a MC68HC05 Motorola microcontroller (main MCU) although it's universally recognized as a highly reliable one. By the way, this microcontroller is actually the most expensive electronic detail of the autoradio. Having decided to find out the reasons of the internal non-volatile microcontroller memory failure, we have comprehensively investigated the circuit design and the microcontroller software. The results were quite unexpected! The main and the only reason of the microcontroller failure was its software error in the part where the non-volatile memory record was realized. The program slowly killing the microcontroller was "kindly" designed by Blaupunkt Company. Let us consider this problem in details. The internal non-volatile microcontroller memory (EEPROM) is meant for the storage of different data, which determine the system functioning. The memory data record is stored even if the voltage is completely off. Usually stored in the non-volatile memory are the tuner frequencies and all the control levels at the moment of turning off (to bring the device to the same condition as it was before the off-moment, even if it was disconnected from the car voltage). There can also be stored the beginning and the end of the tone control interval and other relocation "hardware-dependent" data. At the modern development stage of electronics the non-volatile memory always has the limit of the recording cycles amount. The EEPROM wears out (molecular changes take place) during the "write EEPROM cycle" procedure and equals 10000 cycles for the MC68HC05 family of microcontrollers as Motorola Company guarantees. The real possible amount can be several times bigger but this resource is limited anyway. The generally used design practice is to take into account the EEPROM resource finiteness and to write current levels of volume, fader, balance and tone at the device-off-moment into the internal non-volatile memory. Instead of it the Blaupunkt designers decided to write the data into EEPROM after each minimum step of control (each regulator step) but not after at least the whole user control. So if there are for example 32 steps from the volume minimum to its maximum, the microcontroller will accomplish 32 "write EEPROM cycles" during the changing from the volume minimum to maximum. Let us suppose that an average user changes the volume level by 5 steps and the EEPROM resource is not 10000 but for example 50000 cycles. It is easy to count that the microcontroller will "die" after 10000 times of the volume changing (or after 2-3 years if we suppose the volume is changed 10 times a day). We have located this volume controlling and "slowly dying" EEPROM cell in the 01A8h microcontroller internal address space. It is easy to make sure of extra EEPROM cycle records, checking the output VPP1 voltage (EEPROM charge pump) during for example the volume changing. The 01A8h cell begins "to forget" the data when the volume control EEPROM resource is exhausted. It becomes apparent as the autoradio turns on with an absolutely casual volume level and the control process becomes unpredictable. At first the volume level malfunctions can be seen at low temperatures only and the operating becomes normal with the device heating. But the EEPROM molecular destruction process occurs with each volume knob turning, so in several weeks or months the problems will take place independently of the device temperature. The further usage of the fault system will cause the failure of cells nearby and the device can be completely out of operation. You can the Blaupunkt autoradio models with such software error see in the following table: Autoradios Part number AUDI Chorus 7 646 243 380 *** AUDI Chorus *** 4B0 035 152A AUDI Chorus A8 7 647 243 380 AUDI Chorus M4 7 648 245 380 4B0 035 152B AUDI Concert 7 646 248 380 4B0 035 186 AUDI Concert A8 7 647 248 380 *** AUDI Concert M4 7 648 247 380 4B0 035 186C AUDI Concert M4 7 646 248 380 4B0 035 186B AUDI Concert TT AUDI Concert NAV 7 647 247 380 The full model name is usually marked on the right autoradio side. Of course this error could not be ignored and the AUDI Chorus model production was just stopped when they became to fail on a mass scale. The AUDI Concert models (mentioned above) were also taken out of production but replaced with the AUDI ConcertPlus ones, which didn't have such a problem. It is very easy to diagnose this defect. If you see the fault of all the controls ("Volume", "Balance", "Fader", "Treble", "Bass"), it just means that the control knob is out of order. If the problems take place with the volume control only (all the other controls operate well), it indicates that the EEPROM microcontroller has worn out and you have to replace the chip. To liquidate the recurrence of this failure after the microcontroller replacement we continued our investigation. We managed to unassemble the internal program of the MC68HC05 microcontroller, which is used in these autoradio models. All the operations with the 01A8h cell were located. Then the program was changed, and as a result all these EEPROM cell operations were successfully readdressed to the random-access memory (RAM), which resource is unlimited. Now we buy the "clean" one-time-programmable microcontrollers and program them with the object code of the revised program. After the assemblage of the reprogrammed microcontroller to the autoradio the recurrence of volume control problems is absolutely out of question! The improved program operation can be easily checked by the microcontroller output VPP1 voltage during the volume level changing. We didn't change the Balance, Fader, Treble and Bass controls. Because they are not used very often and this EEPROM cells resource (as we estimate) is several times bigger than the possible period of autoradio usage. In conclusion. Be careful! We know about a lot of cases when some dishonourable "specialists" fix the worn EEPROM chip by its heating. Heating can prolong the term (may be for some weeks) but is not able to solve the problem completely. The real fixing is only the microcontroller replacement with the one, programmed with the improved software.
  11. Tienes que buscar el cable que te hace "mute", la mayoria de los instaladores simplemente "pelan" el cable del mazo de cables original y le sueldan el que sale del parrot, pero no te puedo decir cual es. Vete a los esquemas que puso txispis y buscas cual hace mute. Pero no necesitas ningun adaptador saludos
  12. Hola, hombre pues está muy bien, tiene gran cantidad de funciones y tanto la iluminacion principal como los botones pueden ir en rojo con lo cual no queda mal con el salpicadero, lo unico que la caratula es plateada y seria mejor en negro. En cuanto a aparato es una maravilla, y no veas como suena.. Es buena compra bajo mi humilde opinion, no te olvides que a eso hay que añadir los cables para conectar tus cables originales a una Alpine (para que suenen los altavoces de atras con el subwoofer de audi-si lo tienes claro), añade el marco para disimular el hueco que queda a los laterales, y la instalacion (sino lo haces tU) yo creo que unos 50 a 60 euros mas.. S2
  13. Debajo del volante, a la izda, quitando la parte del salpicadero a la altura de tus rodillas sentado, tienes unos tornillos de donde se saca la corriente directa de la bateria, sin tener que pasar ningun cable, para solo tienes que utilizar conectores planos para pillarlos con esos tornillos y en paz. Utiliza llaves planas forradas de plastico o mucho cuidado para no cortocircuitar al aflojar dichos tornillos saludos
  14. Mientras sean BLANCAS que es lo que dice el codigo, nadie deber decir nada, por poder, siempre te pueden decir de todo, pero no hay ningun articulo que prohiba los leds BLANCOS S2
  15. Yo di muchas vueltas, y lo que más buscaba era que no desentonase mucho...Mi elección fue la Alpine 9871RR todo iluminacion roja, con salida para IPOD y lector cd mp3, sencilla, barata y facil de instalar...si quieres mas caracteristicas, pues a pagar...yo sin duda Alpine, pero veras que hay muchas posibilidades Animo Saludos
  16. Si tiene CD es la chorus II y si tiene casette es la chorus I
  17. Te parecerá una estupidez, pero una vez conectados los mazos de cables en sus respectivos conectores... te quedan un dos cables rojos y dos amarillos sin conectar a nada??? acaban un rojo en terminal hembra y otro en macho y un amarillo en hembra y otro en macho..¿esos te quedan libres?, porque si es ASI, tienes que conectar unos con otros...sino es eso es que te las has cargado y el fusible no podido protegerla del todo.. Ya diras saludos
  18. En efecto hace falta un mazo de cables y con eso ya puedes manejar los altavoces traseros que a su vez van alimentados por una pequeña amplificacion. Cuesta unos 18 euros y con pedir en cualquier car audio el mazo de cables para los Audi y poder oir los altavoces de atras, ya esta. Saludos
  19. Hola el interface de Audi hace lo mismo que hace el que tengo yo (por cierto lo vendo por 65 euros) con la concert I , tiene dos posibilidades, una utilizar los mandos de la radio (muy limitados, ya que funcionan con listas de reproduccion y alguna tecla mas) ó utilizando los mandos del ipod (mucho mas comodo) tu buscas rapidamente el album que quieres oir y si quieres saltar una cancion le das a la radio o al ipod. No es tan problematico, en un semaforo buscas el album y en paz...yo estaba muy muy contento con el invento, pero se me ha estropado el volumen de la concert y ya me he cansado de los problemas de los autoradios Audi.. Espero servirte de ayuda Un saludo
  20. Tienes que conectar ese cable naranja, pero yo no tengo los esquemas del concert II, en el concert I iba dentro del conectro rojo, le hacias un puente al negativo (masa) del mute de la radio y ya está. Sin ese cable, ni te hace mute, ni te pone el mensaje de la radio : PHONE Busca con el buscador y cuando tengas los esque mas de la concert II será facil Saludos
  21. No estoy seguro pero creo que mi primer tema fue para presentar mi coche (con foto escaneada) AQUI Que sabia elección esa de apuntarme a este foro, cuanta buena gente he conocido
  22. Una vez sorprendí yo a un abuelete (abuelete...muy abuelete) que iba por la calle delante mia con algo metálico en la mano, arañando todo coche por el que pasaba. Un hombre desde detrás mio le pegó un chillido al ver lo que hacia... y el abuelo ni caso... y claro... a ver qué haces con un viejete. Me cambié de acera por verguenza, no sea que alguien creyera que era yo el que los iba arañando, ya que no piensas que un viejete vaya haciendo eso con todo el que pillaba. Pues yo tendré complejo de Batman-justiciero, pero si veo a un vejete o cualquiera haciendo eso le meto una colleja que cae de boca al suelo... He estado una semana en Münich y la verdad es que las calles están limpias, sin grafitis, carrazos Audi, BMW, Mercedes tope gama por todas partes y no vi ni uno arañado. La gente deja bicis de 1500€ en la calle y sin atar...es que nuestro sistema educativo es una porquería y eso sumado a que los padres no educan pues así nos va... s2 Amen, tio. Lo has clavado Pues en todo de acuerdo menos en LOS PADRES NO EDUCAN, yo lo cambiaría por ALGUNOS PADRES NO EDUCAN, porque a mi me han llegado a decir que me paso mucho, que "dejalos que son niños"...y es cierto, son niños pero yo no me divertia destrozando coches...es una vergüenza...me encanta llevar los coches (el mio y el de mi mujer) impecables, pero el de mi mujer está plagado de rastros de llaves por todas partes...niños, mayores, abuelos...que mas da, no hay respeto por nada, todo son derechos, pero no obligaciones, y así nos va..¿los padres? ¿los profesores?...¿nosotros?...quizás somos nosotros los ciudadanos de a pie, los que nos tenemos que preocupar de la conducta civica , el problema es que vete a un grupo de jovenes a decirles que no destrocen una cabina...te pegan una paliza que te acuerdas de toda tu vida...claro que si en el momento de dicha paliza, un grupo de ciudadanos les detiene las cosas cambian, pero como vivimos embutidos en nuestra agobiada vida, preferimos "no meternos donde no nos llaman" "que los eduquen sus padres"..etec etc...resultado: LO VEMOS CADA DIA lO SIENTO ME HA SALIDO DEL ALMA Un saludo familia
  23. JAJAJA como tú bien sabes ahora cero pero antes levantaba/empujaba TODO en la máquina. Bien fuese de cuerpo movil o no; vamos que empujando una masa o empujandote a tí. PD: Todo lo hice 3 veces y era algo así como 180kg. Los cachitas del gim flipaban JAJAJA. Eramos solo dos los del club de balonhmano los que lo conseguiamos M GOrdon, tu levantabas 180 KG en press banca???? joe como engañas...¿no seria en sentadilla?...buff, el sabado hablamos ( a ver como le va a mi hija) Saludos
  24. el problema que no se donde cambiarlo, no se si venden la pieza o tengo que cambiar el aparato entero. Un saludo Es una enfermedad comun en ese tipo de radios (suele pasar en las concert fabricadas en Portugal por grundig, o blaupunk), si lo que te ha explicado el forero anterior no te resulta, no tiene solucion, y ni se te ocurra pagar 400 o 700€, en ebay cuestan unos 120€, pero tienes que asegurarte que no son de las numeraciones que te pongo a continuacion, ni de Grundig o blaupunk hechas en Portugal. Suerte y bienvenido al apis de los sordos por La concert :clap1: Expongo el problema para que lo leais: You can the Blaupunkt autoradio models with such software error see in the following table: Autoradios Part number AUDI Chorus 7 646 243 380 *** AUDI Chorus *** 4B0 035 152A AUDI Chorus A8 7 647 243 380 AUDI Chorus M4 7 648 245 380 4B0 035 152B AUDI Concert 7 646 248 380 4B0 035 186 AUDI Concert A8 7 647 248 380 *** AUDI Concert M4 7 648 247 380 4B0 035 186C AUDI Concert M4 7 646 248 380 4B0 035 186B AUDI Concert TT AUDI Concert NAV 7 647 247 380 The full model name is usually marked on the right autoradio side. Problem of Some AUDI Chorus and AUDI Concert Autoradio Models, or "Delayed-Action Mine" from Blaupunkt Company Autoradios equipped with standard details usually have a considerable reliability margin in comparison with "mass consumption" devices. So it caused our interest when in 1999 several AUDI Concert autoradios from Blaupunkt Company with the same defect (the volume control system became disable) were brought to our workshop. The initial analysis of this problem took us to an inauspicious conclusion. Only in one case the reason was a loosen screw of the volume control knob. In all the other cases the reason of the volume control disability was the failure of the internal non-volatile memory (EEPROM) of the system main microcontroller. To solve this problem we had to replace the chip by a different one. To our great disappointment those autoradios had a MC68HC05 Motorola microcontroller (main MCU) although it's universally recognized as a highly reliable one. By the way, this microcontroller is actually the most expensive electronic detail of the autoradio. Having decided to find out the reasons of the internal non-volatile microcontroller memory failure, we have comprehensively investigated the circuit design and the microcontroller software. The results were quite unexpected! The main and the only reason of the microcontroller failure was its software error in the part where the non-volatile memory record was realized. The program slowly killing the microcontroller was "kindly" designed by Blaupunkt Company. Let us consider this problem in details. The internal non-volatile microcontroller memory (EEPROM) is meant for the storage of different data, which determine the system functioning. The memory data record is stored even if the voltage is completely off. Usually stored in the non-volatile memory are the tuner frequencies and all the control levels at the moment of turning off (to bring the device to the same condition as it was before the off-moment, even if it was disconnected from the car voltage). There can also be stored the beginning and the end of the tone control interval and other relocation "hardware-dependent" data. At the modern development stage of electronics the non-volatile memory always has the limit of the recording cycles amount. The EEPROM wears out (molecular changes take place) during the "write EEPROM cycle" procedure and equals 10000 cycles for the MC68HC05 family of microcontrollers as Motorola Company guarantees. The real possible amount can be several times bigger but this resource is limited anyway. The generally used design practice is to take into account the EEPROM resource finiteness and to write current levels of volume, fader, balance and tone at the device-off-moment into the internal non-volatile memory. Instead of it the Blaupunkt designers decided to write the data into EEPROM after each minimum step of control (each regulator step) but not after at least the whole user control. So if there are for example 32 steps from the volume minimum to its maximum, the microcontroller will accomplish 32 "write EEPROM cycles" during the changing from the volume minimum to maximum. Let us suppose that an average user changes the volume level by 5 steps and the EEPROM resource is not 10000 but for example 50000 cycles. It is easy to count that the microcontroller will "die" after 10000 times of the volume changing (or after 2-3 years if we suppose the volume is changed 10 times a day). We have located this volume controlling and "slowly dying" EEPROM cell in the 01A8h microcontroller internal address space. It is easy to make sure of extra EEPROM cycle records, checking the output VPP1 voltage (EEPROM charge pump) during for example the volume changing. The 01A8h cell begins "to forget" the data when the volume control EEPROM resource is exhausted. It becomes apparent as the autoradio turns on with an absolutely casual volume level and the control process becomes unpredictable. At first the volume level malfunctions can be seen at low temperatures only and the operating becomes normal with the device heating. But the EEPROM molecular destruction process occurs with each volume knob turning, so in several weeks or months the problems will take place independently of the device temperature. The further usage of the fault system will cause the failure of cells nearby and the device can be completely out of operation. Of course this error could not be ignored and the AUDI Chorus model production was just stopped when they became to fail on a mass scale. The AUDI Concert models (mentioned above) were also taken out of production but replaced with the AUDI ConcertPlus ones, which didn't have such a problem. It is very easy to diagnose this defect. If you see the fault of all the controls ("Volume", "Balance", "Fader", "Treble", "Bass"), it just means that the control knob is out of order. If the problems take place with the volume control only (all the other controls operate well), it indicates that the EEPROM microcontroller has worn out and you have to replace the chip. To liquidate the recurrence of this failure after the microcontroller replacement we continued our investigation. We managed to unassemble the internal program of the MC68HC05 microcontroller, which is used in these autoradio models. All the operations with the 01A8h cell were located. Then the program was changed, and as a result all these EEPROM cell operations were successfully readdressed to the random-access memory (RAM), which resource is unlimited. Now we buy the "clean" one-time-programmable microcontrollers and program them with the object code of the revised program. After the assemblage of the reprogrammed microcontroller to the autoradio the recurrence of volume control problems is absolutely out of question! The improved program operation can be easily checked by the microcontroller output VPP1 voltage during the volume level changing. We didn't change the Balance, Fader, Treble and Bass controls. Because they are not used very often and this EEPROM cells resource (as we estimate) is several times bigger than the possible period of autoradio usage. In conclusion. Be careful! We know about a lot of cases when some dishonourable "specialists" fix the worn EEPROM chip by its heating. Heating can prolong the term (may be for some weeks) but is not able to solve the problem completely. The real fixing is only the microcontroller replacement with the one, programmed with the improved software.
  25. En efecto estoy en volumen, pero debería comer bastante más y cojo menos peso (fibra) que lo que me gustaría... :clap1: Y tambien es cierto, anitA3 si vas con alguien de compañer@ y te centras, te lo pasas mejor, aunque a veces es un riesgo y acabas hablando sin parar..yo debido a mis horarios coincido con amigos, pero hago el entrenamiento solo para centrarme y hacer los tiempos de descanso justitos, a veces una buena musica en el MP3, ayuda cuando vas a por el fallo... Como ya he comentado antes, el otro día superé por fin la barrera de los 110 Kg y eso que estaba en superseries con press mancuerna inclinado en rutina: 4 repeticiones press banca combinando con 12 rep de press mancuerna inclinado (con aprox. 28 kgr cada mancuerna)..la verdad es que acabé roto, pero con ese saborcillo a superación... Ya siento el rollo, pero encuentro poca gente a la que le guste esto y.... Saludos