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Socio 2024
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Mensajes publicados por abuelo

  1. UNA puntualización:


    No existe ese registro para los coches nacionales, SOLO para los importados, es decir SOLO se registran esos datos en ciertos países, NO en el nuestro..... :lol2:


    Pero, eso si...NO dan esos datos ya que entiendo deberían personarse como parte afectada en cada proceso y,.....como no serían pocos..... :D:D mejor no se lian...... <_<

  2. En el OVERNET, creo que puedes descargarlo tranquilamente........... (sin funciona, claro <_< ).....


    Abuelete..... ya falta menos para vernos en la SUPER-KDD GALLEGA 2.006, :clap1: :D



    Un saludo.


    gracias, pero no quiero ponerle el overnet, no lo usará.. otra opción? :clap1:

  3. txispis: sin airbag desconectable conductor: DETRAS, tu mujer en medio o..SOLOS!!! (si logras "aislar" el centro poniendo problemas al mayor para llegar al peque, puede valer...


    LA silla, te recomiendo ESA ACTUAL para el peque y una McLaren plegable para el mayor (130 euros), minimo peso y minimo espacio... :clap1:



    y, entre muchas cosas, ha dicho:



    Increasing Our Use Of Ethanol.


    Ethanol Has Tremendous Potential For Growth As An Alternative To Gasoline. Any vehicle on the road can run on a fuel blend that includes 10 percent ethanol. And with minor modifications, cars and trucks can become "flex fuel vehicles" that run on a fuel blend called E85 - a mix of 85 percent ethanol and 15 percent gasoline. About 40 percent of America's gasoline now includes some amount of ethanol - and that number is going to keep growing in the years ahead.


    Ethanol Is A Versatile Fuel Delivering A Wide Variety Of Benefits. Ethanol is good for farmers because it provides a new market for their products. Ethanol is good for rural communities because new biorefinery construction creates jobs and local tax revenue. Ethanol is good for the environment because it burns cleaner than gasoline and produces less air pollution and greenhouse gas emissions. Ethanol is good for drivers because it replaces gasoline consumption. And ethanol is good for our whole Nation because every time we use homegrown ethanol, we support American farmers and refiners - not foreign oil producers.


    The Ethanol Industry Is Booming. Last year, America used a record 4 billion gallons of ethanol - more than double the level when the President took office. There are now 97 ethanol refineries in our country. Nine of those are expanding, and 35 more are under construction.


    President Bush Has Supported Ethanol More Strongly Than Any President Before Him. Since the President took office, we have extended the 51-cent-per-gallon tax credit for ethanol suppliers; created a new 10-cent-per-gallon tax credit to provide extra help to small ethanol producers and farmers; provided about $85 million in loans or grants for ethanol business ventures; and signed into law a Renewable Fuels Standard that will nearly double the amount of ethanol in our fuel supply over the next six years.


    Promoting Other Alternatives To Regular Gasoline.


    Researchers Are Pioneering Ways To Make A New Form Of "Cellulosic Ethanol" From Natural Materials Like Wood Chips, Stalks, And Switch Grass. The President has proposed $150 million in next year's budget for research into advanced forms of ethanol - a 65-percent increase over current levels. Our goal is to make cellulosic ethanol affordable within six years - and allow millions more drivers to put ethanol in the tank.


    Biodiesel Fuel Can Substitute For Regular Diesel In Cars, Trucks, Buses, And Farm Equipment. Like ethanol, biodiesel is renewable, fully domestic, and a good way to support farmers and the rural economy. The President signed into law the first-ever Federal tax credit for biodiesel producers. Biodiesel refiners now receive 50 cents for every gallon of biodiesel they blend.


    Engineers Are Designing A New Type Of "Plug-In Hybrid" That Can Be Recharged Through A Standard Electrical Outlet. These hybrids will have fully charged batteries as soon as you start the car, which will allow them to travel much farther on electricity alone. Plug-in hybrids could make it possible to drive 40 miles on electricity alone - and that means millions of Americans could make their daily commute without a drop of gasoline. The President's budget for next year provides $31 million to speed up research into advanced battery technologies - a 27-percent increase over current levels.



    QUE OPINAIS, Amigos??? :laugh: