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    seat leon 1.9 tdi 110 cv

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  1. yo tambien me gustaria tener la opcion de ver la presion exacta de cada rueda, pero bueno... Buscando por internet, he encontrado esto... por si ha alguien le interesa... Espero no incumplir ninguna normal, si es asi, borro el enlace y listo. https://www.audiworld.com/forums/s6-c7-platform-discussion-199/tpms-not-2896405/page3/ SCORE!!! Found an Audi with the individual TPMS readings in the MMI. I've identified few parts finally and some wiring diagrams but this will still be alot of research to find out if possible to retrofit. For now.. all i can confirm is there is definitely wheel sensors in each tire, and a receiver for each separate sender. Kind of overkill compared to aftermarket kits with only one receiver and four senders but heck... It's Audi. Chances are that the MMI control panel and possibly MMI display may also need to be switched out. These two are the most expensive pieces. Maybe a simple software update for $1K would suffice?? Not sure yet. Got few diagrams I can't post from the dealer... and will post more info when I know more definite details. But this looks just as involved as the Top View Retrofit, but actually more expensive. Stay tuned... (x4) 420 601 361 A (METAL VALVE (TIRE SENSOR W/ AIR VALVE) (X4) 7PP 907 283 (TRANSMITTER) (x4) 7PP 907 275 F (SENSOR) (x4) 4D0 601 365 (BOLT) Non discounted Regular Dealer list price for above... $1,375.97 Also needed... (1) 4H0 907 273 B (CONTROL MODULE) (1) 4G0-907-455-B left front transmitter bracket (1) 4G0-907-456-B right front transmitter bracket (1) 4G0-907-461-C left rear transmitter bracket (1) 4G0-907-462-C right rear transmitter bracket (4) 8E0-971-934-A Connector housing (1) MMI replacement maybe?? (1) MMI Instrument cluster replacement maybe?? (5) Custom Wire looms (see diagram in post #25) The search continues.... But if I get hit by a bus anytime after this... at least this is a start for whomever picks up the challenge. Attached Images