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Todo lo publicado por Enriqe

  1. Buenas pues yo tras ir a por la junta del enfriador a la Audi, la que me han vendido es esta… Es un 3.0tdi 218 de 2015
  2. que diferencia hay entre el pro y el extended?? llegasteis a conseguir algun descuento?
  3. Buenas @Bossweb, aunque hace ya bastante que hablasteis del tema, quedasteis en algo sobre los kits de kufatec?
  4. al final acabare por buscar una repro, @sergar que tienes tu hecho? el mio es el 218cv
  5. Buenas compañeros, Hace poco tiempo me llamaron del conce para ofrecerme una actualización del software para reducir las emisiones según nuevas normativas y no se que royos. El resultado al final ha sido un aumento de consumo y que el star/stop ahora es excesivamente sensible. os ha pasado a alguno?
  6. Alguien ha probado algo de esto? https://es.aliexpress.com/item/4000195353669.html?spm=a2g0o.productlist.0.0.6e5c60eb9MerJZ&algo_pvid=95b46f9d-8f34-4a9b-8f15-f9445e2bc1b3&algo_expid=95b46f9d-8f34-4a9b-8f15-f9445e2bc1b3-0&btsid=0b0a050b15818067716242741ecc5e&ws_ab_test=searchweb0_0,searchweb201602_,searchweb201603_
  7. de que año es tu coche?
  8. Perdon, el mio es 2015 y creo que si llevo palpador de desgaste trasero....
  9. Buenas compañeros, alguien sabe como averiguar si el testigo es de las pastillas delanteras o traseras??
  10. Yo he hecho esto en mi coche y creo que he puesto un valor maximo de 425, consiguiendo asi bajarlo unos 3 cm en el modo sport. queda el neumatico por dentro del pasarueda y bastante dura. Espero que te sirva. 0) Set your car to "Auto" mode (not dynamic, comfort, etc.). Make sure car is on level ground. Close doors. If any doors are opened during the procedure, it will be interrupted. Make sure your car is NOT in a towing or tire changing mode. 1) Load up VCDS, go to Module 34 - Level Control2) Go to "10 - Adaptation", take note of 4 values titled as "Body height front left wheel house edge" - mine were set to around 384 from factory. 3) Take the values you noted above, and ADD your desired drop in millimeters (mm) to each value, write it down... So if your left front wheel was 384.5, your new value will be 401.5. Repeat for the other wheels. It is not critical to be 100% precise here, rounding the values is fine. Note that maximum Audi-approved drop is 17mm from what I've gathered. You can go lower, but if you go lower, you're also affecting other systems, such as cameras, adaptive cruise, etc., so be careful. Technically, if you want this procedure to be done properly, instead of taking existing values, you will measure all 4 wheels after completion of the step 7, and then add your drop value if desired. Suspension height values are measured from the center of the wheel to the edge of the fender. 4) Go to Security Access, enter code provided on the following website, under VCDS section, item #3 (I'm not posting this directly to avoid spreading sensitive data, although it's been posted on other forums in past) http://www.stemei.de/pages/coding/au...ng-des-aas.php5) You should get a message stating that security code has been accepted - if you don't, something failed, stop doing what you're doing 6) Go to 04 - Basic Settings *** IMPORTANT: Whatever you do, DO NOT select "Reset All Adaptations" - this is not undoable, and will require a visit to the dealer. *** 7) Select "Activate Level Control", hit "Go", wait for it to complete (should only take a second, until it says "not running"). Select "Delete Calibration For Level Control", hit "Go", wait for it to complete, your car will throw a fault code and you will see an error message stating Air Suspension Malfunction - this is normal. 7) Select "Start Up to Reference Level", hit "Go". This step will take about a minute, and your car will go up/down during the process (you'll hear hissing noises). Wait for it to complete, until it says "not running". DO NOT use the "start up to reference level production" option. 9) Select "Go Back", go to "10 - Adaptation" on the previous screen. 10) Next you will need to enter new adaptation values for all 4 wheels. Select "Body height front left wheel house edge", then enter new adaptation value, and hit "Do it", then repeat for the other 3 wheels. I did it in the order the menu was arranged (FL, RL, FR, RR) - not sure if the order matters, but just in case. Each time you enter a value, you should get a message stating that it has been accepted. 11) After you're done entering adaptation for all 4 wheels, select "Go Back", and return to "04 - Basic Settings" again. 12) In basic settings, select "Calibrate Level Control" and hit go, it will take a few seconds. Wait for it to say "not running". If you get an error during this step, you either missed a step, or something went horribly wrong. 13) Select "Activate Level Control", hit "Go" 14) You're done, now go to "02 - Fault Codes" and Reset codes. If this did or didn't work - please share your experience with the rest of us here.
  11. Buenas, reflotando un poco esto.... echad un vistazo a este tutorial a ver que os parece..
  12. Buenos días! Recien importado A6 allroad 3.0 TDI 218cv Stronic 2015 - Almería/Huelva.