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Logros de xavigs11


Novato (1/14)

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  • Un Mes después
  • Una Semana a bordo

Insignias recientes



  1. Buenas! Se que ha pasado mucho tiempo pero si en algun momento alguien responde me haría un favor
  2. Buenas, añado resumen para SMLS, que me ha tocado cambiar y he buscado info. Lowline: 8E0 953 549 F - supports BC ONLY 8E0 953 549 S - supports BC ONLY Midline: 8E0 953 549 L - supports BC AND CRUISE 8E0 953 549 N - supports BC and CRUISE Highline: 8E0 953 549 M - supports BC and CRUISE 8E0 953 549 P - supports BC AND CRUISE 8E0 953 549 Q - supports BC, CRUISE AND MULTI STEERING STEERING (heating does NOT support) 8E0 953 549 R - supports BC, CRUISE AND MULTI STEERING STEERING (supports heating)
  3. Welcome to Audisport Iberica. Please feel free to browse around and get to know the others. If you have any questions please don't hesitate to ask.