Hola a tod@s,
Me complace comunicar, que a pesar de todo lo leído en este hilo, y similares, que probablemente no es necesario actualizar versión para actualizar mapas. Como no tengo más experiencia que con mi MIBHS (básico, sin marco cromado, no táctil), no me atrevo a extender esta afirmación categóricamente para todos los modelos de MMI.
Pero en mi caso, ha funcionado simplemente con el script de activación -MM*Activator-by**, hay uno para cada tipo de MMI, buscad el vuestro-
Cito textualmente lo escrito en el readme.txt de autor:
"I cannot guarantee that will work on every MMI out there, but i never had issues ever since i created it back in 2016.
Regardles of what some "masters" might say, update of the MMI is not mandatory. This is entirelly up to you.
If your MMI is working properly and you have not noticed issues then you can continue using same version.
As you will see bellow the supported versions list is quite long and will only get longer with time!
In case that you do decide to update then subscribe to this topic as i will update it to include software update info and files.
In the archive you will find a manual how to use it.
After activating the MMI you will be able to use latest navigation maps.
Supported versions - almost any version out there.
If your software is not the support list then send the backup that the activator will make and i will add it."
Un saludo