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Todo lo publicado por tuporaky

  1. menudo dia chicos, de momento rojisimas las bolsas europeas y valores en minimos anuales, solo espero q esas noticias buenas de ayer sigan empujando a nuestras acciones para arriba, aunq con este panorama no se q decir
  2. la pena esq torres es un tio negado de cara al gol, sino se podria hacer algo, pero esq no mete un gol al arco iris, y mira q el chaval lucha, pero no hay manera
  3. tuporaky

    Otros cumples

    felicidades a todos y en especial al GROMO ese DJ´sssss
  4. Ta os lo dije un día.. estas tres están supercontroladas por las MM's. Esto solo puede decir una cosa, que puede haber pastel y del bueno... en fin ya sabemos como son estos americanos, lo que hoy es blanco mañana puede ser negro carbón. es una pena pq hoy tanto INSQ como VRDM podian haber subido mucho, si no fuera por ARCA, esq ha sido descarado y encima en las 3
  5. bueno al final una buena sesion, he recuperado un buen pico en mi cartera, pero sin duda me ha quedado decepcionado con nuestros valores, ya q tenian q haber subido como la espuma y simplemente han subido, si mañana no siguen la senda alcista, cosa q no creo, pues otra vez para abajo en busca de un fondo lo dicho un dia positivo pero q hasta mañana no sabremos si valdra para algo o no, un saludo chicos.
  7. no lo entiendo INSQ Y VRDM subiendo como locas y ARCA tirando con continuas ordenes a la venta a GSHF
  8. NOTICIONNNNNNNNNN ahora tenemos q subir por c***, ahora o nuncaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa Hugo International Telecom Completes Acquisition of Mean Green BioFuels from GreenShift Corporation NEW YORK, Jun 07, 2006 (BUSINESS WIRE) -- Hugo International Telecom, Inc. (OTC Bulletin Board: HGOT) today announced it closed its acquisition of Mean Green BioFuels, Inc., from GreenShift Corporation (OTC Bulletin Board: GSHF), Hugo's majority shareholder. Under the terms of the acquisition agreements, Hugo has acquired 100% of the issued and outstanding stock Mean Green BioFuels and its subsidiaries and exchange GreenShift's current 67% stake in Hugo in return for the assumption by Hugo of about $2.0 million of debt and the issuance to GreenShift of a new class of Hugo preferred stock that is convertible into 80% of Hugo's issued and outstanding stock. Mean Green intends to finance, build and operate several biodiesel production facilities in the U.S. The feedstock for these facilities will include corn oil derived from ethanol facilities, soybean oil, and animal fats. Mean Green is designing its first planned biodiesel production facility to operate at 45 million gallons per year and to be expandable to accommodate growth. Each Mean Green biodiesel facility is expected to utilize traditional esterification and transesterification methods as well as other proprietary processes. A key aspect of the Mean Green business model is its reliance on new sources of biodiesel feedstock's produced by its clean technology partner, Veridium Corporation (OTC Bulletin Board: VRDM), another GreenShift company. Mean Green is party to a strategic alliance with Veridium pursuant to which Mean Green has the ongoing exclusive right of first refusal to purchase Veridium's various biodiesel feedstock's including the high grade corn oil that Veridium extracts from an ethanol by-product called distillers dried grain ("DDG") with Veridium's patent-pending Corn Oil Extraction System. Veridium's pricing model for its Corn Oil Extraction Systems is based on its provision of its turn-key systems for no up-front cost in return for long-term corn oil purchase agreements based on a fixed discount to prevailing corn oil market prices. Veridium intends to purchase and sell its extracted corn oil as a high grade corn oil product until Mean Green's first biodiesel production facility commences operations, at which point Mean Green intends to purchase the oil from Veridium based on a fixed discount to prevailing fuel prices. As previously announced, Hugo intends to change its name to GS AgriFuels Corporation in conjunction with the closing of this acquisition. About Hugo International Telecom, Inc. Hugo International Telecom is 67% owned by GreenShift Corporation (OTC Bulletin Board: GSHF), whose mission is to develop and support companies and technologies that facilitate the efficient use of natural resources and catalyze transformational environmental gains. Safe Harbor Statement This press release contains statements, which may constitute "forward-looking statements" within the meaning of the Securities Act of 1933 and the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, as amended by the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995. Those statements include statements regarding the intent, belief or current expectations of Hugo International Telecom, Inc., and members of their management as well as the assumptions on which such statements are based. Prospective investors are cautioned that any such forward-looking statements are not guarantees of future performance and involve risks and uncertainties, and that actual results may differ materially from those contemplated by such forward-looking statements. Important factors currently known to management that could cause actual results to differ materially from those in forward-statements include fluctuation of operating results, the ability to compete successfully and the ability to complete before-mentioned transactions. The company undertakes no obligation to update or revise forward-looking statements to reflect changed assumptions, the occurrence of unanticipated events or changes to future operating results. SOURCE: Hugo International Telecom, Inc.
  9. noticias: Frost & Sullivan Recognizes GreenShift Corporation for Innovation in the Field of Electronic Waste Recycling PALO ALTO, Calif., June 7, 2006 /PRNewswire via COMTEX News Network/ -- Frost & Sullivan has recognized GreenShift Corporation with the 2006 Product Innovation Award in the field of electronic waste recycling. GreenShift receives this Award for developing an innovative and advanced electronic waste recycling solution called the Tornado Generator. Based on the principle of the tornado, the Tornado Generator is capable of drastically reducing the volume of waste materials (segregated stream of metals and plastics in case of electronics recycling). What makes this innovation truly noteworthy is that the product can effectively reduce the volume of the input waste material stream to about 90 percent by pulverizing it into micrometer-sized particles. With directives such as waste electrical and electronic equipment (WEEE) and Restriction of Hazardous Substances (RoHS) coming into effect from 2006 in Europe, electronic waste recycling is increasingly receiving a major thrust. European nations and countries such as Japan, United States and China are also adopting a number of initiatives to recycle electronic waste. The prime intention of such directives is to not only bring about the efficient recovery of useful components, but to also safeguard the environment from harmful toxic substances such as lead, arsenic, hexavalent chromium, and other flame-retardants that are present in electronic waste. "The process of electronic waste recycling involves a continuous chain of different operations such as conventional grinding and separation into plastic and metal streams, removal of hazardous components from these streams, pulverizing the plastic and metal streams, selective separation of high-value metals and plastics, and finally energy conversion of residual organics," notes Frost & Sullivan Research Analyst Hari Ramamoorthy. "In this regard, the Tornado Generator represents a notable accomplishment as it can be employed in the critical step of pulverization of plastic and metal streams, enabling the increased availability of high-value metals in the process flow and also facilitates efficient reaction of the qualified plastics into energy and/or clean fuels such as ethanol or synthetic diesel." The operation of the Tornado Generator is simple yet elegant. It employs a stream of compressed air that is accelerated to high supersonic speeds in a closed cyclonic chamber, resulting in the formation of a powerful air vortex or a 'tornado'. This tornado grinds materials that are fed into it to micrometer-sized particles. Air is introduced at the bottom of the system and proceeds upwards, while the material, after grinding, is collected at the bottom of the system. Significantly, the Tornado Generator incorporates the ability to dehydrate and atomize both solid as well as liquid wastes. The generator is robust in operation and appears to be able to provide cost-effective processing of a wide variety of wastes. Considering all this, such a solution could help meet the electronics recycling industry's need for an effective grinding solution for high fracture materials such as glass, coal, concrete, aluminum, and hard plastics. Moreover, the solution is flexible and can be adapted to a variety of industrial applications such as desalination, food processing, treatment of waste such as sludge, municipal solid waste, poultry waste, consumer waste, and so on. "GreenShift plans to use its Tornado Generator along with other proprietary technologies such as the company's patented plastics separation process, which was developed by Argonne National Laboratory under a contract with the U.S. Department of Energy, to screen out chlorinated and brominated plastics and to fine-tune the overall electronic recycling process," says Ramamoorthy. Kevin Kreisler, GreenShift's chairman and chief executive officer added that "Smaller particles equate to better reaction kinetics. This helps to make downstream processes that are designed to extract the highest value out of the commodities in electronic waste streams much more efficient. We believe that the Tornado Generator technology will provide a significant contribution to the electronic waste recycling industry and we are proud and excited to have received this Award." Each year Frost & Sullivan presents this Award to a company that has demonstrated excellence in new products and technologies within their industry. The recipient company has shown innovation by launching a broad line of emerging products and technologies. Frost & Sullivan Best Practices Awards recognize companies in a variety of regional and global markets for demonstrating outstanding achievement and superior performance in areas such as leadership, technological innovation, customer service, and strategic product development. Industry analysts compare market participants and measure performance through in-depth interviews, analysis, and extensive secondary research in order to identify best practices in the industry. About GreenShift Corporation
  10. vendio todo, pero luego compro un paqute a 0,148 y con ese se quedo, pq nada mas comprarlo bajo a la zona del 0,110 o asi y no dijo nada de q lo vendiera, asi todo algo creo q gane incluso con esa pillada
  11. el volumen de VRDM es muy bueno incluso mayor q el de ayer, si consigue cerrar por encima del 0,110 podria ser el comienzo de la recuperacion
  12. joer q comienzo de sesion mas bueno, espero q siga asi toda la tarde
  13. bueno parece q hoy tienen ganas de comprar la gente y no me estraña pq menudos precios q hay, las bolsas europeas en verde y los futuros americanos tambien, solo faltan q nuestras putitas sigan la tendencia verde
  14. EStá claro que si noe stás hipotecado ni nada de eso, pues bien debe valer la pena... sobre todo si la jugada sale redonda. Por cierto no pensarás comprar más INSQ con el credito verdad?... :cry2: :cry2: pues no pensaba comprar Inmocaral por el tema de la ampliacion, pero jod** hoy esta subiendo un 11% y me parece q esa ya esta para olvidar, pero Sniace esta muy jugosa, Abengoa tambien tiene un descuento brutal y SPS, vamos unas cuantas q ahora estan por los suelos, el problema esq no me acabo de decidir y el tiempo corre en mi contra pq de hacerlo tiene q ser ahora, en cuanto recuperen un poco los mercados ya no sera interesante
  15. gracias golfi por la info :drool: pues si cisco, por suerte no tengo ningun credito en mi vida actual y pedir uno ahora tal y como esta la bolsa me parece una buena inversion, y en el peor de los casos no dejaremos de sacar para devolverlo, asi todo no esta nada decidido, pero es un tema q llevo ya pensando una semana y q posiblemente haga efectivo si puedo
  16. gracias tio, lo mirare, pero busco mas algo con lo q invertir a medio plazo, vamos comprar algun valor y dejarlo 5 o 6 meses, hay muchos q tienen mas de un 50% de descuento y no creo q sea muy dificil q vuelvan a esos precios cuando el mercado se anime
  17. yo gasto la finura de cortes :cry1: me refiero al movil ehhhhhhh :blink:
  18. buenos dias a todos, el tema de hoy esq se me esta calentando la cabeza, pq hay valores regalados en el continuo y me estoy planteando pedir un credito de 30.000 euros, sabeis q tipo de credito podria pedir en mi banco :cry1:
  19. venga hasta mañana q me voy a darle al juego de motos para la PS2 q me ha regalado un amiguete, es ese q anuncian ahora el "TOURIST TROPHY" jod** como estara el tema q si no me lo regalan no tengo ni para comprarle <_< y no es broma tengo pasta, pero esta invertida y estoy un poco tieso en efectivo
  20. JAJAJAJAJ... me parto Muy bueno Golfi! palmamos pasta a dolor pero el humor q no falte eso si, si hace falta nos enfadamos un par de dias para q suban q no pasa nada
  21. lo mejor esq muchos estan acaparando acciones a estos precios y cuando suban las acciones se volveran a forrar, lo q espero esq por lo menos vuelvan a los precios q entramos pq sino menudo viaje
  22. pues a mi me quedan 41.000 euros y decir q hace menos de dos meses estaba en 64.000, vamos unos 23.000 euros de nada q me he dejado por el camino, madre mia, me da hasta vergüenza decirlo, solo espero q algun dia vuelva a ver los 54.000 q son los de mi patrimonio
  23. tirada final para no romper la racha <_<
  24. joer q envidia, me encantaria ver un partido de la seleccion en el mundial