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Algunas fotos del A8 B8
Nautiliux responde a Nautiliux de discusión en Audi A4 / Allroad B8 (2008-2015)
Algunas fotos del A8 B8
Nautiliux responde a Nautiliux de discusión en Audi A4 / Allroad B8 (2008-2015)
Luce mejor de lo que esperaba. Si bien quiera un cambio mas atrevido en el diseño, el B8 no esta nada mal.
Article from Wheels magazine, sept 2007, written by Peter Robinson. "After the F1 chat, I'm keen to ask about Webber's road car. Red Bull is powered by a Renault V8, so, not suprisingly given the commercial ties, he drives an "awesome" R26 Renault Megane, which replaces the BMW M5 at his disposal during his time at Williams BMW. In Formula One, sponsors always come first. But that doesn't stop Webber, straight forward as always, ignoring the politically correct answer. "The best road car I have driven is the Audi R8," he says. "A few of us [drivers] spent a track day recently at the Paul Ricard [the Bernie Ecclestone-owned circuit in the south of France]. "Kimi [Raikkonen] almost destroyed the latest Ferrari F430 trying to keep up [with the Audi]. 'I can't hang on to you; you're too quick,' he told us. The R8 is an awesome piece of kit, phenomenal."
[POST ENVIDIA] Fotos y videos del curso R8
Nautiliux responde a Specialized de discusión en Conducción y Seguridad
:crying_anim: :clap1: :clap1: Envidia de la sana. ¿Que se sentira estar ahi dentro, pegar el acelerador y sentir el bramido de esos 8 jarros? -
Me lo leo mañana que voy saliendo.
BMW M3 E92 Coupé Vs Audi RS4 B7 Cabrio
Nautiliux responde a NeverMinds de discusión en Audi S / R / RS
No veo el sentido en comparar un coupe contra un cabrio. Alguien que me explique. -
Comparativa de la mano de Auto Express.
El Lexus aun siendo un cochazo tiene una estetica macarra. Dentro de poco saldran el nuevo Skyline, aunque este es un coupe, pero por potencia seria un competidor del RS4, lo mismo que el nuevo NSX.
En la página web de DEMAC se puede encontrar esta curva de potencia de un RS4 de la prensa: Curva_Potencia_RS4___DEMAC_enginnering.doc Y más curioso todavía, la de un M5 E60, en la que sólo llegan a 366 c.v. por cortar antes por el limitador de velocidad. Curva_Potencia_M5___DEMAC_enginnering.doc La traccion vendria siendo trasera con capacidad de enviar traccion al eje delantero, en el Veyron suele ser algo parecido.
aqui estan las fotos de mi bicho americano
Nautiliux responde a euSb5 de discusión en Audi S / R / RS
¿Americano? No sabia que por estos lados fabricaban Audis gordos. ¿De donde es mexicano, brasileño? Muy guapo el coche. :ranting2: PD: Edito, veo que dices yanki, entonces fabricando en USA. Pero no sabia que en USA Audi fabricara coches. -
un foro de PORSCHE habla tambien de nosotros
Nautiliux responde a fox de discusión en Audi S / R / RS
un foro de PORSCHE habla tambien de nosotros
Nautiliux responde a fox de discusión en Audi S / R / RS
www.automobilemag.com There can be no doubt that Audi is making two of the very hottest vehicles in the world. So hot are these cars, that I don't even need to mention names. Which we still find odd, as Germany's other luxury automobile has long been the official car of architects, graphic designers and therapists, not tail-out, tire-smoking hoons. But the cars speak for themselves. Or rather, the lustful, sinful, Pope-angering 4.2-liter FSI V8 they share speaks for them. The RS4 is a true giant killer, stealing the formula first developed for the E39 M5 and improving upon it in every way. And of course the R8 is the new girl who transfers into the 11th grade, upsetting and turning the hot chick pecking order on its head (we still reserve the right to think it's funny looking). But in each car, it is the engine and the engine alone that elevates these cars into the stratosphere. Automobile Magazine placed both of them on a dynometer and we couldn't be less surprised by the results. The dry-sumped, smaller flywheel R8 revs a bit quicker and puts down 7 more horsepower (338 hp vs. 331in the RS4) at the wheels. However, the "when I grow up I wanna be a freight train" RS4 makes a little more torque a whole lot lower down in the revs: 276 lbs. ft. @ 3,750 rpm for the 4-door, 275 lbs. ft. @ 5100 for the dolphin head coupe. – Jonny Lieberman. Dyno Test: By Jason Cammisa Our Four Seasons Audi RS4 has a lot of fans around the office. While it's a great all-around car, it's the 8,250-rpm, 420-hp, 4.2-liter engine that really gets our attention. The V-8's power delivery is so linear that it feels like an electric motor, except of course no electric motor could ever sound this good. I once described its staccato exhaust note as sounding like a thunder cloud. Assistant editor Sam Smith said it sounded "like an angry, drunken bear being shot from a cannon." One of us is obviously a big fan of hallucinogenics. Anyway, Audi's new R8 shares the RS4's engine, albeit with a couple of small changes. First, it has different intake and exhaust paths due to its mid-engine layout. Then, its dry-sump lubrication system allows the engine to be mounted lower in the chassis, permitting the use of a smaller, and lighter, flywheel. The lightened flywheel is evident as soon as you turn the key. The R8's V-8 revs much more quickly than the RS4's. So quickly, in fact, that it seems the flywheel must be made of helium. Teensy little prods of the throttle result in huge surges of revs, with sharp barks of anger shooting out of the short exhaust pipes. In gear under load, the R8 sounds frenetic, evil, and pissed off. By comparison, the RS4 sounds happy, refined, and non-threatening. Never thought you'd hear those words about an RS4, did you? The R8 sounds that good. On the road, the R8's power delivery felt similar to the RS4's - it has a huge amount of torque available at any speed. Unlike the RS4, though, which hits hard at 3000 rpm and stays there, the R8's torque output builds with revs, gradually coming to its peak. This isn't surprising - the RS4 uses long intake runners, which help boost low-end torque, while the R8 uses short runners that favor high-rpm breathing. That small difference was enough to convince me to take both cars to a chassis dyno to find out how much of a difference there really is. We had to massage the final chart because the R8 exhibited a big drop in output between 2000 and 4000 rpm on the fourth gear runs, caused by a glitch in the European-specification, pre-production powertrain computer. The curves shown below are corrected using the fifth gear curves as a guide. The dyno used was a Dynapack 5000, which typically reads a little lower than the more common DynoJet unit. Since everyone asks about peak numbers first, the RS4 put down 331 hp to the wheels, the R8 put down 338. The difference between those two numbers, which is about two percent, is insignificant. Given the 420-hp rating at the engine, their output corresponds to twenty percent drivetrain loss, which is commendable for an all-wheel drive setup. The dyno chart confirms what we felt in the seat of our pants - the RS4 has a bigger torque plateau in the mid-range, where the R8's torque curve rises more slowly. Both engines, however, have torque curves so robust that they would have been unimaginable only a few years ago. And both sound incredible.
Video Como brame la bestia de Ingolstadt. :clap1: :clap1:
Wow, con tantos culos terminare exitado. :clap1:
Estoy deseoso de verlo por aca. No se que raro aun no ha llegado. Maravilla de la ingenieria teutona. :clap1:
Comprate el Porsche y al cabo de un tiempo lo vendes, que tampoco se desvaloriza mucho y luego te compras el R8. :clap1:
Parece ser que lo que dicen las pruebas del R8 es cierto. Todas lo ponen por las nuebes, de hecho en forocoches esa fue una de las que subi. La mayoria de las revistas concluyen de que tiene el mejor chasis actualmente y una de ellas ha planteado que el R8 debe de ser algo asi como el modelo a vencer por la competencia. Lo que no me cuadra es el precio, si bien veo que en España sube mucho, puees en otros sitios esta en alrededor de 110 mil euros, la realidad es que la mayoria pensabamos que el coche estaria en un rango de 80-95 mil euros. Audi habia durante la etapa de prototipo que seria un deportivo barato en relacion a lo que hay en el mercado, y ya ven que esto solo como las promesas politicas. No sabria que indicarte, no creo que el R8 se desvalorice mucho, es actualmente un coche muy deseado y desde antes de salir al mercado algunos habian sido acaparados. Si el dinero te sobra y lo quierres ve por el. El Aston es lo mas elegante que existe, pero dudo que sea de igual planteamiento, el M6 particularmente y aunque es un carrazo su estetica no me gusta para nada. Si dudas pienso que lo mejor sera irte a un Porsche gordo. Quizas tambien podrias esperar a ver com oviene el nuevo NSX o el Skyline. PD: ¿No mojaste al terminar la prueba?
Por cierto, me dio curiosidad el portal que menciono J.D. Contiene mucha informacion. Grafica certificada de ellos: RS4: General Official test no. STR-06021701 Model year 2006 Mileage, km 1080 Gearbox type 6-speed manual Drive wheels All Engine Cylinders / Valves 8 / 4 Displacement, cc 4163 Bore / Stroke, mm 84.5 / 92.8 Type / Configuration SI DI NA / V-type Location / Orientation Front / Longitudinal Compression ratio 12.5:1 Wheels / Fuel / Weights Tyre dimension 255/40 R18 Test fuel 98 RON Curb weight, kg 1736 Weight dist front / rear, % 59 / 41 Performance Powertrain performance Wheel power kW (PS / bhp) at 1/min 257 (349 / 345) at 7546 Total wheel torque / total reduction Nm (lb-ft) at 1/min 376 (277) at 5548 Stated engine performance Engine power kW (PS / bhp) at 1/min 308 (419 / 413) at 7800 Engine torque Nm (lb-ft) at 1/min 430 (317) at 5500 Discrepancy (measured/stated) Power / Torque -16.5% / -12.5% Speedometer Reading, km/h (mph) at 50 (31) +3 (+2) at 70 (43) +3 (+2) at 90 (56) +4 (+2) at 110 (68) +5 (+3) at 130 (81) +10 (+6) M5: General Official test no. STR-05050203 Model year 2005 Mileage, km 12564 Gearbox type 7-speed manual Drive wheels Rear Engine Cylinders / Valves 10 / 4 Displacement, cc 4999 Bore / Stroke, mm 92 / 75 Type / Configuration SI NA / V-type Location / Orientation Front / Longitudinal Compression ratio 12:1 Wheels / Fuel / Weights Tyre dimension 285/35 R19 Curb weight, kg 1844 Weight dist front / rear, % 52 / 48 Performance Powertrain performance Wheel power kW (PS / bhp) at 1/min 347 (472 / 465) at 7669 Total wheel torque / total reduction Nm (lb-ft) at 1/min 475 (350) at 6069 Stated engine performance Engine power kW (PS / bhp) at 1/min 373 (507 / 500) at 7750 Engine torque Nm (lb-ft) at 1/min 520 (384) at 6100 Discrepancy (measured/stated) Power / Torque -7% / -8.5% Aca oro coche de traccion integral un M5: General Official test no. STR-07033001 Model year 2006 Mileage, km 27150 Gearbox type 6-speed manual Drive wheels All Engine Cylinders / Valves 4 / 4 Displacement, cc 1997 Bore / Stroke, mm 85 / 88 Type / Configuration SI TC / Inline Location / Orientation Front / Transverse Compression ratio 8.8:1 Wheels / Fuel / Weights Tyre dimension 235/45 R17 Test fuel 99 RON Performance Powertrain performance Wheel power kW (PS / bhp) at 1/min 188 (256 / 252) at 6526 Total wheel torque / total reduction Nm (lb-ft) at 1/min 332 (245) at 3516 Stated engine performance Engine power kW (PS / bhp) at 1/min 206 (280 / 276) at 6500 Engine torque Nm (lb-ft) at 1/min 355 (262) at 3500 Discrepancy (measured/stated) Power / Torque -9% / -6.5% No pongo mas graficas para que ustedes mismos entren, pero entre los 10 principales he aca los resultados: BMW 335i (- 6%) Audi RS4 (-17%) E46 M3 (-12%) E60 M5 (-7%) C6 Z06 (-7%) Entren a la pagina > http://www.rri.se/
Gran comentario. Ojala los dueños de RS4 te leyeran.
Esto le dara un caracter de mas exclusividad. Por ser un blog no les resta credibilidad, mas como autoblog que vive actualizado haciendose eco de noticias del mundillo automotriz. Horas antes de que autoblog lo publicara en vwvortex que es una de las paginas mas respetadas een materia VAG lo habia anunciado como una noticia.
Esto es sumamente extraño. Me cuesta creer que todos los RS4 tengan menos de 400CV de serie. Pienso que debe de ser unerror de algunas unidades hechas durante algun tiempo por el motivo tecnico que sea. Audi sabe perfectamente que en USA por eso le cabrian alguna demanda gorda. Supongo que en Europa que esta formada por paises desarrollados la cosa debe de ser similar; debe de existir legislacion que este a favor del consumidor. En las pruebas que lei en algunos casos daba 412, 414, 419 y en una que no rucuerdo cual fueron 427CV, todos estos margenes no son nada grave, estan dentro los limites, pero de ahi a que elcoche venga con menos de 400CV es una put*da grande. Ademas en algunas pruebas se ha visto que el RS4 supera a coches mas ligeros yde mayor potencia, asi que algio anda mal en algunas unidades. Creo que ustedes que son tantos con RS4 deberian de unirse yreclamar legalmente, sea que les devuelvan el dinero o que le den unidades optimas.