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Todo lo publicado por DavidRS
Otro RS2, en espera de cambiar el 2 por el 4 S2
Bienvenido al foro R S2
Clarisimo RS4 R S2 Quien no ha disfrutado de un RS , .................................
Felicidades a los 2, que paseis un muy buen dia !!!!! S2
Ayuda con compra de RS2
DavidRS responde a alvaro de discusión en Audi S2 / RS2 / 100 S4 / 100 S6 / V8
Hola alvaro, el mio está en venta, es negro, todas las revisiones hechas en Audi (revisión/restauración 5000Euros con facturas), neumáticos nuevos PilotSport 2, amortiguadores Bilstein nuevos, pastillas de freno nuevas, distribución recien cambiada, embrague nuevo, bomba hidraulica nueva, etc,... Cosas a tener en cuenta, lo mejor es q lo lleves a hacer una revisión a fondo (es una pasta pero vale la pena),... Si quieres probar el mio mándame un MP S2 -
Muy a mi pesar vendo Audi RS2 (315cv)
DavidRS responde a RS2_911C2 de discusión en Audi S2 / RS2 / 100 S4 / 100 S6 / V8
Datos de RS2, se construyeron en total 2908,..... del RS4 creo q hay mas de 6000 (lo comprobaré) S2 Car name Audi RS2 Body B4 Body form Avant Modelyears 1994-1995 Length (mm) 4510 Width (mm) 1695 Height (mm) 1386 Doors 5 Seats 5 Wheelbase (mm) 2597 Unladen weight (kg) 1595 Max weight (kg) 2100 Fuel tank (l) 64 Engine code ADU Cylinders 5 Engine type in-line Turbo type Valves 20 Displacement (ccm) 2226 bhp/rpm 315/6500 Torque/rpm 410/3000 Compression ratio 9.30 kg per bhp 5.06 Power density 141 Specials Gearbox Manual Gearbox code CRB Number of gears 6 Steering Servo Brakes front (mm) 304/32 Brakes rear (mm) 299/28 Tires front 245/40 ZR17 Tires rear 245/40 ZR17 0-100 kmph (s) 5.40 0-200 kmph (s) 23.90 Topspeed (kmph) 262 Air drag Fuel consumption, Average (l/100km) 13.20 City (l/100km) 14.90 Highway (l/100km) 7.70 Price (EUR) 50566.77 Units built 2908 -
Tu ya no subes McKafre
Robo del cuadro "El Grito" con un RS2?
DavidRS responde a RS2_911C2 de discusión en Audi S2 / RS2 / 100 S4 / 100 S6 / V8
yo no era lo HURO!!!!! -
DavidRS respondió a una discusión en Audi S2 / RS2 / 100 S4 / 100 S6 / V8
Hola David, el mio está en venta,.... S2 -
Aps!!!! GRACIAS a Angel y Cristóbal por ponerme sobre aviso!!!! S2
Están proliferando mucho los timos a traves de estas páginas de compra venta, se trata de que al anunciar tu coche, en poco tiempo te llega un correo interesándose por tu vehículo, están de acuerdo con todo, te piden tu dirección para mandarte un cheque, hasta aqui todo bién, empiezas a sospechar cuando te dicen: Por favor sé muy serio , te mandan un cheque por un importe muy superior a lo que tu pides, y te comentan que cuando cobres les devuelvas via WESTERN UNION el sobrante, esto me ha pasado a mí, pido por mi coche 19000 Euros y ellos me lo mandaban por 26000, teniendo yo que devolverles los 7000 sobrantes via Western Union, me olí lo peor y les mandé un email negándome a esto, les facilite mi IBAN (Nº de cuenta Europeo) y les comenté q yo "sólo" quería mis 19000 y en efectivo y en esa cuenta, a partir de esto se hizo el silencio, es decir T I M O !!!!! asi que cuidado,.... Aqui pongo los emails que me llegaron: Goodday, I amVikky Shauhan an auto dealer here in london, my client is interested in your vehicle and I need the following informations of the vehicle from you; >1)what is your bottom price of the car? >2)Present location of the car and current mileage(odometer) of the car? >3)Are there any dents on the car? I also need to see recent picks of the car for my clients viewing. >I anticipate your swift response for us to conclude payment of this order. >Vikky David, Thanks for the email, Is the address you gave safe for me to send the cheque because I donot want other persons to intercept this cheque. I also want you to be serious about this transaction because just last week I negotiated for a car for my client and the seller informed me of the vehicle being sold two days later, hence the order was cancelled. My client later changed his mind on buying your car, do please give me the assurance that you would not disappoint us. Payment will get to you in a confirmed cheque of 26,000euro being the cancelled order I mentioned above plus shipping charges which you'll deduct the cost of your car 19,000euro and refund the overage 7,000euro via western union money transfer to my client, note that all charges will be settled by us. After you have received payment and balance sent back to my client our agent will come to Germany for the pickup/shipping of the car to London. Immediately the cheque clears your account our agent will come for the pickup of the vehicle. I will keep you posted on all the arrangements. Nice doing business with you. David, Thanks for the email I want you to be serious in this transaction because some days ago we were disappointed by a car seller when he sold the car we wanted to pay for to another person. Do give me the assurance that you will not disappoint us. I have accepted your price of 19,000euro. Payment is via cheque and I need your contact address to send it to. Our agent will come for the pickup when the time comes, though you will be duly informed when the time comes. Note that all charges like shipping/export charges will be settled by us. I await your prompt response to this email so that will can send payment to you. S2 y ojito :blink:
No era yo ,..... S2
Felicidades David!!!, el coche es precioso, ya nos contarás las impresiones,.....
Yo acabo de simunizarlo con pulimento y me ha quedado nuevo, las fastidiosas marcas de los túneles han desaparecido casi del todo, ahh y no me ha costado nada, un amiguete me dejó su máquina, me parece que me compraré una (vale 100 Euros), paso de jod**me la espalda, en 30 minutos o menos has hecho el coche entero, te lo recomiendo RS2 911C2, en una horita y unas gotitas de pulimento te haces tus 2 juguetes y tu espalda te lo agradecerá,.... S2
Ahi van mis 315CV 13714 + 315 = 14029 S2
Vaya hombre si q me sabe mal, espero que no me pase, si tienes problemas en encontrarla a ver si desde aqui te lo podemos solucionar,... Animo y saludos!!!!
Es más jodido echarle Gasolina a un gasoil q al reves, a mi me pasó en un BXTRD Turbo y se me destrozó la culata (microfisuras debido a la explosión de la gasolina) total 400mil de las antiguas y el coche jamás volvió a ir correctamente, aunq lo aguanté hasta los 350mil KM.... S2
Que indica con el dibujo del freno y pitando?
DavidRS responde a Kampa de discusión en Mecánica General Audi
Revisa y verifica tu nivel de liquido de frenos y/o el hidráulico de la dirección asistida,.... S2 -
Ahi van unos cuantos (el primer numero es el canal) 1 System malfunction - displayed as a Diagnostic Trouble Code (DTC) 2 Digital value of Interior Temperature Sensor, in Headliner 3 Digital value of Interior Temperature Sensor, in Instrument Panel 4 Digital value of Fresh Air Intake Duct Temperature Sensor 5 Digital value of Outside Air (Ambient) Temperature Sensor, front 6 Digital value of Outside Air (Ambient) Temperature Sensor 7 Digital value of Ambient Temperature Sensor at Fresh Air Blower 8 Digital value of Temperature Regulator Flap Motor Potentiometer 9 Delta value of Temperature Regulator Flap 10 Non-corrected specified value of Temperature Regulator Flap 11 Digital value of Central Flap Motor Potentiometer 12 Specified value of Central Flap 13 Digital value of Footwell/Defroster Flap Motor Potentiometer 14 Specified value of Footwell/Defroster Flap 15 Digital value of Air Flow Flap Motor Potentiometer 16 Specified value of Air Flow Flap 17 Vehicle Speed (km/h) 18 Actual Fresh Air Blower voltage (Volts) 19 Specified Fresh Air Blower voltage (Volts) 20 A/C Compressor (A/C Clutch) voltage (Volts) 21 Number of low voltage occurrences, non-transient 22 Cycle condition of A/C Refrigerant High Pressure Switch 23 Cyclings of the A/C Refrigerant High Pressure Switch 24 Cyclings of the switches, absolute non-fluctuating 25 Analog/Digital value, Kick-Down Switch 26 Analog/Digital value, Engine Coolant Temperature (ECT) Warning Light 27 Coding value 28 Engine Speed (RPM) 29 A/C Compressor speed in rpm (Equals Engine Speed x 1.28) 30 Software version 31 Display check (all segments of A/C Control Head display light up) 32 Potentiometer malfunction counter, Temperature Regulator Flap 33 Potentiometer malfunction counter, Central Flap 34 Potentiometer malfunction counter, Footwell/Defroster Flap 35 Potentiometer malfunction counter, Air Flow Flap 36 Feedback value, cold end-stop, Temperature Regulator Flap Motor Potentiometer 37 Feedback value, hot end-stop, Temperature Regulator Flap Motor Potentiometer 38 Feedback value, cold end-stop, Central Flap Motor Potentiometer 39 Feedback value, hot end-stop, Central Flap Motor Potentiometer 40 Feedback value, cold end-stop, Footwell/Defroster Flap Motor Potentiometer 41 Feedback value, hot end-stop, Footwell/Defroster Flap Motor Potentiometer 42 Feedback value, cold end-stop, Air Flow Flap Motor Potentiometer 43 Feedback value, hot end-stop, Air Flow Flap Motor Potentiometer 44 Vehicle operation cycle counter 45 Calculated Interior temperature (internal software, in digits) 46 Outside (ambient) temperature, filtered, for regulation (internal software) 47 Outside (ambient) temperature, unfiltered, (internal software, in Celsius) 48 Outside (ambient) temperature, unfiltered (in digits) 49 Malfunction counter for speedometer (vehicle speed) signal 50 Standing time (in minutes) 51 Engine Coolant Temperature (ECT), in Celsius 52 Graphics channel 1 = 88.8, see chart, NOTE: When Diagnostic Channel 52 is selected, “--.-“ is displayed first. A/C compressor switch-off conditions are identified by illuminated segments of the “88.8” display. 53 Graphics channel 2 = 88.8, see chart, NOTE: When Diagnostic Channel 53 is selected, “--.-“ is displayed first. A/C system electrical outputs are identified by illuminated segments of the “88.8” display. 54 Control characteristics 55 Outside (ambient) temperature, in Celsius or Fahrenheit depending on the setting of the A/C control head 56 Temperature in Celsius, from Interior Temperature Sensor, in Headliner 57 Temperature in Celsius, from Interior Temperature Sensor, in Instrument Panel 58 Temperature in Celsius, from Fresh Air Intake Duct Temperature Sensor 59 Temperature in Celsius, from Outside Air (Ambient) Temperature Sensor 60 Temperature in Celsius, from Ambient Temperature Sensor at Fresh Air Blower 61 Software version (latest)
DavidRS responde a Nacho Martinez de discusión en Audi S2 / RS2 / 100 S4 / 100 S6 / V8
Athelas el Coupe es el S2, el RS2 "sólo" se fabricó en Avant y creo recordar que se hicieron 2700 unidades (no estoy seguro) desde mediados del 94 a finales del 95 S2