Que alegría. De verdad. Gracias finiwiki, por compartir tu experiencia. Me alegro que sea positiva.
Por ahora van tres, a ver si yo soy el cuarto!!. En unas semanas a ver si me dejan un cable.
Por cierto, de las notas de Ross-Tech, según pone, ese valor es cantidad inyectada a ralenti.. Aumentamos el consumo a ralenti?¿. No es significativo?¿
Channel 1: injected quantity
Check the injected quantity at idle, engine warm and all power consuming devices turned off.
Specification is 2.5 to 9 mg/h.
To change the amount of injected fuel perceived by the ECU, go to adaptation channel 1.
If you have driveability problems, you may want to increase it to 3-4 mg/h.
For slightly improved throttle response, you may try to decrease the value.
Ross-Tech: VAG-COM: TDI VAG-COM Info
Why change Injection Quantity?
If your car:
Smokes more than you want
Shudders at slow down or idle
You may want to reduce fueling (increase the IQ number)
If your car is low on power, you may want to increase the IQ number.
Adjusting Injection Quantity on your TDI with VAG-COM | Volkswagen Diesels & Other News at TDI Blog
Por cierto, dentro de motor, hay un canal5, de condiciones de arranque.. aunque supongo que lo habréis trasteado. Y no se podrá modificar ahí la cantidad inyectada.
Channel 5: starting conditions
Though undocumented, this channel effects the injected quantity the ECU allows when starting.
You may want to experiment with it as a temporary fix for bad-start problems
Por favor, a los que lo habéis aplicado, a ver si notáis aumento de consumo, humareda.. aumento de rpm a ralenti... Algo raro..