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Logros de M160385
Ya he descubierto los selenoides, están a la vista pero tienen muy difícil acceso si no se "bajan" He conseguido hacer la calibración de la amortiguación, y han desaparecido todos los errores del cuadro... Tengo que volver a pasarle el vagcom pero estoy un poco harto de tanto programa jajajajja El MMI no funciona, debe estar abierto en algún lugar.
Increíble... Desarme todo el frente, intente buscar la válvula selenoide pero ni idea, yo no la voy ha encontrar y no voy a desarmar medio coche, tendré que ir al taller. El compresor no me ha dado tiempo a quitarlo. No le he podido pasar el vagcom. El caso es que salí con el coche, ni fallo de freno de mano, ni de ABS, ni de suspensión, ni de velocímetro... El compresor funcionó normal, el solo subió la suspensión y me elimino el fallo verde ( el amarillo es porque no está regulado con los parámetros de serie y no se por qué, más nunca me dejo entrar con el código, me tira el error. Ahora hago una pregunta técnica, si desconecto el compresor y dejo la suspensión abajo ( tiene suficiente espacio con los guardabarros ) ¿que ocurre? ¿Es posible que al recalentarse el compresor, se activen esos fallos? Segunda cuestión, no se porque, hoy el MMI no va, como cuando corto la corriente, se oye el zumbido de los altavoces pero algo falla.
Gracias. Lo último que me comentas, no es posible, el compresor no,estaba funcionando y de los 2 modos que me dejo funcionando, arranca si los intercambias y la suspensión está arriba. Es como si se hubiera vuelto loco. Todo empezó a raíz del fallo del freno de mano, que parece ser, se "desconfiguro" la primera vez que pase el autoscan. Revisaré todos los fusibles ya ver si por casualidad fuese eso y otro posible fallo, sería batería baja, pero la batería está bien... Y como último añadido, el código para entrar a la modificación de la suspensión, solo me lo acepto la primera vez ( que no la varíe, solo quería familiarizarme ) a partir de ahí, me tira un error constante.
Gracias por la ayuda. Despues de la calma, volvio la tempestad... Estaba paseando tan tranquilo y de repente, empieza a darme fallo del freno de mano ( mejor dicho, desde el primer autoscan se me quedo fijo, antes de eso no lo tenia ) y al rato, fallo ABS, deja de funcionar el cuenta kilometros ( si funcionan las revoluciones ) y se me desactiva de la suspension, la primera opcion lift ( la que tenia puesta ) y se pasa a automatico, la paso a comfort y se adapta. Llego a casa, apago el coche, lo vuelvo a encender, empieza a funcionar el compresor de la suspension, y me desaparece tambien la opcion dynamic y la direccion asistida, desaparece, borro todo con el vagcom, doy una vuelta y nada, sigue igual... He estado leyendo algo de ajustes basicos de todos los modulos pero ni idea... dejo el ultimo autoscan por lo que pueda servir y acepto sugerencia aparte de llevarlo al taller, que creo que sera lo que tenga que hacer... como informacion adicional, estoy seguro de que cuando el "arreglaron" el coche, no dejaron nada del tema electrico bien hecho. VIN: Mileage: 261030km-162196miles 00-Steering Angle Sensor -- Status: OK 0000 01-Engine -- Status: Malfunction 0010 02-Auto Trans -- Status: Malfunction 0010 03-ABS Brakes -- Status: Malfunction 0010 05-Acc/Start Auth. -- Status: Malfunction 0010 06-Seat Mem. Pass -- Status: OK 0000 07-Control Head -- Status: OK 0000 08-Auto HVAC -- Status: OK 0000 09-Cent. Elect. -- Status: OK 0000 0E-Media Player 1 -- Status: OK 0000 0F-Digital Radio -- Status: Cannot be reached 1100 15-Airbags -- Status: OK 0000 16-Steering wheel -- Status: OK 0000 17-Instruments -- Status: Malfunction 0010 19-CAN Gateway -- Status: Malfunction 0010 25-Immobilizer -- Status: Malfunction 0010 34-Level Control -- Status: Malfunction 0010 36-Seat Mem. Drvr -- Status: OK 0000 37-Navigation -- Status: OK 0000 38-Roof Electronics -- Status: OK 0000 42-Door Elect, Driver -- Status: OK 0000 46-Central Conv. -- Status: Malfunction 0010 47-Sound System -- Status: Malfunction 0010 4F-Centr. Electr. II -- Status: Malfunction 0010 52-Door Elect, Pass. -- Status: OK 0000 53-Parking Brake -- Status: Malfunction 0010 55-Headlight Range -- Status: Cannot be reached 1100 56-Radio -- Status: OK 0000 61-Battery Regul. -- Status: Malfunction 0010 62-Door, Rear Left -- Status: OK 0000 65-Tire Pressure -- Status: OK 0000 67-Voice Control -- Status: Malfunction 0010 72-Door, Rear Right -- Status: OK 0000 76-Park Assist -- Status: OK 0000 77-Telephone -- Status: OK 0000 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Address 01: Engine Labels: 077-910-560-BFM.lbl Part No SW: 4E0 910 560 J HW: 4E0 907 560 Component: 4.2L V8/5V G 0010 Revision: --H01--- Serial number: AUX3Z0E2760581 Coding: 0007773 Shop #: WSC 02313 785 00200 VCID: 285F92C69B323102C8-807C 2 Faults Found: 18061 - Please check DTC Memory of ABS Controller P1653 - 008 - 17981 - Left Engine Mount Solenoid Valve (N144) P1573 - 004 - Open Circuit Readiness: 0110 1101 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Address 02: Auto Trans Labels: 09E-927-156.lbl Part No SW: 4E0 910 156 S HW: 09E 927 156 A Component: AG6 09E 4,2L5V USA 0020 Revision: --H01--- Serial number: 0055097 Coding: 0000002 Shop #: WSC 02313 785 00200 VCID: 326B70AEADEE4BD266-8066 No fault code found. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Address 03: ABS Brakes Labels: 4E0-910-517.lbl Part No SW: 4E0 910 517 B HW: 4E0 614 517 BC Component: ESP 5.7 allrad H44 0510 Coding: 0007597 Shop #: WSC 02313 000 00000 VCID: 224B80EEFD0EDB5296-8076 1 Fault Found: 00283 - ABS Wheel Speed Sensor; Front Left (G47) 012 - Electrical Fault in Circuit ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Address 05: Acc/Start Auth. Labels: 4E0-910-131.lbl Part No SW: 4E0 910 131 HW: 4E0 909 131 D Component: FBS AUDID3 H04 0140 Revision: 01404004 Serial number: AUX3Z0E2760581 Coding: 0410624 Shop #: WSC 02311 785 00200 VCID: 58BFE206EBD24182B8-800C Subsystem 1 - Part No: XXXXXXXXXXX Component: ELV XXXX 2 Faults Found: 00183 - Interior Access/Start Authorization Antenna 1 (R138) 011 - Open Circuit Freeze Frame: Fault Status: 01101011 Fault Priority: 4 Fault Frequency: 0 Reset counter: 150 Mileage: 260976 km Time Indication: 0 Date: 2017.03.05 Time: 12:40:54 00955 - Key 1 002 - Lower Limit Exceeded Freeze Frame: Fault Status: 01100010 Fault Priority: 4 Fault Frequency: 0 Reset counter: 151 Mileage: 261024 km Time Indication: 0 Date: 2017.03.05 Time: 17:51:50 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Address 06: Seat Mem. Pass Labels: None Part No SW: 4E0 910 760 C HW: 4E0 959 760 Component: Sitzmemory BFS H08 0060 Revision: 00000000 Serial number: 5DS 008 795-03 Coding: 3940448 Shop #: WSC 02313 785 00200 VCID: 234585EAE214D25A9D-8076 No fault code found. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Address 07: Control Head Labels: 4E0-910-7xx-07.lbl Part No SW: 4E0 910 732 T HW: 4E0 035 729 A Component: Interfacebox H43 4610 Revision: 00000000 Serial number: 348HW067505239 Coding: 0000003 Shop #: WSC 02313 785 00200 VCID: 336575AA52F442DA6D-8066 Subsystem 1 - Part No: 4E0 910 611 Component: E0380 BedienteilH01 0050 Subsystem 2 - Serial number: 00000000077443 Subsystem 3 - Serial number: 0103.11.080000000100010011ÿ Subsystem 4 - Serial number: 010011ÿ No fault code found. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Address 08: Auto HVAC Labels: None Part No SW: 4E0 910 043 B HW: 4E0 820 043 D Component: KLIMAAUTOMAT 016 0400 Revision: 00000030 Serial number: 00000000063632 Coding: 1052993 Shop #: WSC 02311 785 00200 VCID: 1C37BE16DF6AEDA25C-8048 No fault code found. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Address 09: Cent. Elect. Labels: 4E0-910-279.lbl Part No SW: 4E0 910 279 L HW: 4E0 907 279 L Component: ILM Fahrer H12 0210 Coding: 0123123 Shop #: WSC 02313 785 00200 VCID: 31697FA2A8E870CA1F-8064 Subsystem 1 - Part No: 4E1 910 113 B Component: Wischer WWS D3 H50 0400 Coding: 00000035 Shop #: WSC 02313 Subsystem 2 - Part No: 4E0 910 557 Labels: 8K0-955-559.CLB Component: REGENLICHTSENSORH10 0050 Coding: 00139548 Shop #: WSC 02313 No fault code found. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Address 0E: Media Player 1 Labels: 4E0-910-111.lbl Part No SW: 4E0 910 111 E HW: 4E0 035 111 A Component: CD-Changer H44 0430 Revision: 00000000 Serial number: AUZ5ZBE7134601 Shop #: WSC 00000 000 00000 VCID: 1B35BD0ADA64EA9A55-804E No fault code found. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Address 0F: Digital Radio Cannot be reached ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Address 15: Airbags Labels: 4E0-910-655-84.lbl Part No SW: 4E0 910 655 A HW: 4E0 959 655 E Component: Airbag 8.4E+ H10 0920 Coding: 0530707 Shop #: WSC 02313 785 00200 VCID: 244786F6E71AD562E4-8070 No fault code found. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Address 16: Steering wheel Labels: 4E0-910-549.lbl Part No SW: 4E0 910 549 HW: 4E0 953 549 A Component: Lenksäulenmodul H13 0040 Coding: 0012241 Shop #: WSC 02313 785 00200 VCID: 65C1DBF2ACA0EC6A33-8030 Subsystem 1 - Part No: XXXXXXXXXXX Component: Lenkradmodul H05 0080 No fault code found. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Address 17: Instruments Labels: 4E0-910-xxx-17.lbl Part No SW: 4E0 910 950 G HW: 4E0 920 950 G Component: KOMBIINSTR. VDO H53 0210 Revision: D05 Serial number: AUDID3E2004215 Coding: 0016233 Shop #: WSC 08307 444 52648 VCID: 285F92C69B323102C8-807C 1 Fault Found: 16346 - Control Module - ROM Error 014 - Defective Freeze Frame: Fault Status: 00000011 Fault Priority: 1 Fault Frequency: 1 Reset counter: 255 Mileage: 259008 km Time Indication: 0 Date: 2004.03.25 Time: 04:46:45 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Address 19: CAN Gateway Labels: 4E0-910-468.clb Part No SW: 4E0 910 468 B HW: 4E0 907 468 E Component: Gateway H10 0080 Revision: 10 Serial number: 19003052270025 Coding: FCFE7BDD1B7904 Shop #: WSC 08216 444 84054 VCID: 275D91FA962C3E7AC1-8072 2 Faults Found: 01771 - Control Module for Headlight Range (J431) 004 - No Signal/Communication Freeze Frame: Fault Status: 01100100 Fault Priority: 2 Fault Frequency: 3 Reset counter: 150 Mileage: 260986 km Time Indication: 0 Date: 2017.03.05 Time: 12:19:39 02230 - Digital Radio (DAB) (R147) 004 - No Signal/Communication Freeze Frame: Fault Status: 01100100 Fault Priority: 3 Fault Frequency: 3 Reset counter: 150 Mileage: 260986 km Time Indication: 0 Date: 2017.03.05 Time: 12:20:34 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Address 25: Immobilizer Labels: 4E0-910-131.lbl Part No SW: 4E0 910 131 HW: 4E0 909 131 D Component: FBS AUDID3 H04 0140 Revision: 01404004 Serial number: AUX3Z0E2760581 Coding: 0410624 Shop #: WSC 02311 785 00200 VCID: 58BFE206EBD24182B8-800C Subsystem 1 - Part No: XXXXXXXXXXX Component: ELV XXXX XXXXXXXXXXX ELV XXXX 2 Faults Found: 00183 - Interior Access/Start Authorization Antenna 1 (R138) 011 - Open Circuit Freeze Frame: Fault Status: 01101011 Fault Priority: 4 Fault Frequency: 0 Reset counter: 150 Mileage: 260976 km Time Indication: 0 Date: 2017.03.05 Time: 12:40:54 00955 - Key 1 002 - Lower Limit Exceeded Freeze Frame: Fault Status: 01100010 Fault Priority: 4 Fault Frequency: 0 Reset counter: 151 Mileage: 261024 km Time Indication: 0 Date: 2017.03.05 Time: 17:51:50 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Address 34: Level Control Labels: 4E0-910-553.lbl Part No SW: 4E0 910 553 H HW: 4E0 907 553 F Component: LUFTFDR.-CDC H06 4480 Coding: 0015510 Shop #: WSC 02313 785 00200 VCID: 285F92C69B323102C8-807C 4 Faults Found: 01437 - Control Position not Learned 005 - No or Incorrect Basic Setting / Adaptation Freeze Frame: Fault Status: 11100101 Fault Priority: 2 Fault Frequency: 1 Reset counter: 150 Mileage: 260986 km Time Indication: 0 Date: 2017.03.05 Time: 12:03:44 01772 - Signal from Level Control Pressure Sensor (G291) 008 - Implausible Signal - Intermittent Freeze Frame: Fault Status: 00101000 Fault Priority: 3 Fault Frequency: 3 Reset counter: 191 Mileage: 260987 km Time Indication: 0 Date: 2017.03.05 Time: 12:34:04 01316 - ABS Control Module 013 - Check DTC Memory Freeze Frame: Fault Status: 11101101 Fault Priority: 3 Fault Frequency: 1 Reset counter: 151 Mileage: 261034 km Time Indication: 0 Date: 2017.03.05 Time: 17:51:54 01400 - Suspension Level Control 002 - Lower Limit Exceeded Freeze Frame: Fault Status: 11100010 Fault Priority: 2 Fault Frequency: 1 Reset counter: 151 Mileage: 261034 km Time Indication: 0 Date: 2017.03.05 Time: 17:53:40 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Address 36: Seat Mem. Drvr Labels: None Part No SW: 4E0 910 760 C HW: 4E0 959 760 Component: Sitzmemory FS H08 0060 Revision: 00000000 Serial number: 5DS 008 795-03 Coding: 4071530 Shop #: WSC 02313 785 00200 VCID: 234585EAE214D25A9D-8076 No fault code found. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Address 37: Navigation Labels: 4E0-910-88x-37.lbl Part No SW: 4E0 910 888 C HW: 4E0 919 887 D Component: MNS US H48 0960 Revision: 00000000 Serial number: 381IQ067505613 Shop #: WSC 05136 444 51155 VCID: 2E5364DEB9D66F3202-807A No fault code found. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Address 38: Roof Electronics Labels: 4E0-910-135.lbl Part No SW: 4E0 910 135 A HW: 4E0 907 135 Component: Dachknoten D3 H02 0090 Serial number: 00000504600018 Coding: 0003477 Shop #: WSC 02313 785 00200 VCID: 1D31B312C470E4AAAB-8048 No fault code found. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Address 42: Door Elect, Driver Labels: 4E1-910-802-42.lbl Part No SW: 4E1 910 802 B HW: 4E1 959 801 B Component: Türsteuer.FS BRM003 0060 Coding: 0028204 Shop #: WSC 02311 785 00200 VCID: 204F8AE6F302C94280-8074 No fault code found. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Address 46: Central Conv. Labels: 4E0-910-289.lbl Part No SW: 4E0 910 289 A HW: 4E0 907 289 Component: Komfortgeraet H04 0040 Revision: 00400004 Serial number: W040503160305 Coding: 0065086 Shop #: WSC 02313 785 00200 VCID: 275D91FA962C3E7AC1-8072 Subsystem 1 - Part No: 4E0 910 853 Component: Heckdeckel H06 0060 Subsystem 2 - Part No: 4E0 907 719 Component: Neigungssensor H03 0020 3 Faults Found: 01134 - Alarm Horn (H12) 012 - Electrical Fault in Circuit Freeze Frame: Fault Status: 01101100 Fault Priority: 3 Fault Frequency: 254 Reset counter: 150 Mileage: 242248 km Time Indication: 0 Date: 2015.10.14 Time: 17:22:29 00984 - Left Tail Light (M4) 014 - Defective Freeze Frame: Fault Status: 01101110 Fault Priority: 3 Fault Frequency: 45 Reset counter: 146 Mileage: 259732 km Time Indication: 0 Date: 2004.03.25 Time: 00:01:07 01828 - Bulb for Tail-Lamp; Left 009 - Open or Short to Ground Freeze Frame: Fault Status: 01101001 Fault Priority: 3 Fault Frequency: 52 Reset counter: 146 Mileage: 259965 km Time Indication: 0 Date: 2004.03.28 Time: 00:11:02 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Address 47: Sound System Labels: 4E0-910-223.lbl Part No SW: 4E0 910 223 K HW: 4E0 035 223 A Component: DSP-Amp.-High H13 0440 Revision: PROD_01 Serial number: 00000000007612 Coding: 0000016 Shop #: WSC 02313 785 00200 VCID: 25419BF2EC202C6AF3-8070 1 Fault Found: 02454 - Microphone Unit (in Front Roof Module) (R164) 011 - Open Circuit Freeze Frame: Fault Status: 01101011 Fault Priority: 5 Fault Frequency: 1 Reset counter: 14 Time Indication: 0 Freeze Frame: Bin. Bits: 01 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Address 4F: Centr. Electr. II Labels: None Part No SW: 4E0 910 280 A HW: 4E0 907 280 A Component: ILM Beifahrer H09 0040 Revision: Serial number: 00000000056976 Coding: 0010111 Shop #: WSC 02313 785 00200 VCID: 1E33B41EC976FFB2B2-804A Subsystem 1 - Part No: 4E0 910 511 A Component: UGDO HL US H02 0030 Subsystem 2 - Serial number: VK4978T0M38E 1 Fault Found: 01316 - ABS Control Module 013 - Check DTC Memory Freeze Frame: Fault Status: 01101101 Fault Priority: 3 Fault Frequency: 4 Reset counter: 151 Mileage: 261012 km Time Indication: 0 Date: 2017.03.05 Time: 17:14:00 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Address 52: Door Elect, Pass. Labels: 4E1-910-802-52.lbl Part No SW: 4E1 910 802 B HW: 4E1 959 802 B Component: Türsteuer.BF BRM003 0060 Coding: 0028204 Shop #: WSC 02311 785 00200 VCID: 204F8AE6F302C94280-8074 No fault code found. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Address 53: Parking Brake Labels: 4E0-910-801.clb Part No SW: 4E0 910 801 D HW: 4E0 907 801 B Component: EPB A4EC0230 H03 0230 Revision: --H03--- Coding: 0000532 Shop #: WSC 05164 444 82780 VCID: 204F8AE6F302C94280-8074 3 Faults Found: 01316 - ABS Control Module 013 - Check DTC Memory - Intermittent Freeze Frame: Fault Status: 00101101 Fault Priority: 3 Fault Frequency: 23 Reset counter: 191 Mileage: 261008 km Time Indication: 0 Date: 2017.03.05 Time: 17:16:43 Freeze Frame: Voltage: 12.84 V Count: 236 02443 - Control Head 012 - Electrical Fault in Circuit - Intermittent Freeze Frame: Fault Status: 00111100 Fault Priority: 2 Fault Frequency: 2 Reset counter: 190 Mileage: 260976 km Time Indication: 0 Date: 2017.03.04 Time: 11:37:08 Freeze Frame: Voltage: 12.94 V Count: 40 02596 - Rear Brake Pads Worn 008 - Implausible Signal Freeze Frame: Fault Status: 01111000 Fault Priority: 6 Fault Frequency: 1 Reset counter: 81 Mileage: 259152 km Time Indication: 0 Date: 2004.03.25 Time: 14:39:33 Freeze Frame: Voltage: 12.84 V Count: 61 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Address 55: Headlight Range Cannot be reached ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Address 56: Radio Labels: 4E0-910-541.lbl Part No SW: 4E0 910 541 T HW: 4E0 035 541 P Component: TUNER EU/US/RDW H42 0630 Revision: 00000000 Serial number: 396I.067546550 Coding: 0000002 Shop #: WSC 02313 785 00200 VCID: 31697FA2A8E870CA1F-8064 No fault code found. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Address 61: Battery Regul. Labels: 4E0-910-181.lbl Part No SW: 4E0 910 181 C HW: 4E0 915 181 C Component: J0644 BEM H11 0510 Revision: 00000000 Serial number: 00000000005392 Shop #: WSC 07117 444 53517 VCID: 204F8AE6F302C94280-8074 Subsystem 1 - Part No: 4E0 915 105 A Component: von VA0 340705512X Coding: 344530393135313035412056413033343037303535313258 Shop #: WSC 31158 001 1048576 1 Fault Found: 02273 - Quiescent Current Stage 2 000 - - - Intermittent Freeze Frame: Fault Status: 00100000 Fault Priority: 7 Fault Frequency: 1 Reset counter: 255 Mileage: 260989 km Time Indication: 0 Date: 2017.03.05 Time: 14:54:17 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Address 62: Door, Rear Left Labels: 4E0-910-802.lbl Part No SW: 4E0 910 802 A HW: 4E0 959 801 C Component: Türsteuer.HL BRM003 0060 Coding: 0028204 Shop #: WSC 02311 785 00200 VCID: 1E33B41EC976FFB2B2-804A No fault code found. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Address 65: Tire Pressure Labels: 4E0-910-273.lbl Part No SW: 4E0 910 273 HW: 4E0 907 273 Component: Reifendruck 2 H01 Revision: 00010028 Serial number: 00000700031140 Coding: 0202125 Shop #: WSC 08307 444 68373 VCID: 5FCDC91A8EFCB6BAF9-800A 2 Faults Found: 01299 - Diagnostic Interface for Data Bus (J533) 013 - Check DTC Memory Freeze Frame: Fault Status: 01101101 Fault Priority: 3 Fault Frequency: 1 Reset counter: 151 Mileage: 261034 km Time Indication: 0 Date: 2017.03.05 Time: 17:52:01 Freeze Frame: Speed: 255.0 km/h Voltage: 13.50 V (no units): 27.0 Not Recogn. Not Recogn. Not Recogn. Not Recogn. 01477 - System Switched Off 000 - - Freeze Frame: Fault Status: 01100000 Fault Priority: 4 Fault Frequency: 4 Reset counter: 151 Mileage: 260986 km Time Indication: 0 Date: 2017.03.05 Time: 12:05:08 Freeze Frame: Speed: 0.0 km/h Temperature: 23.0°C Error Code: 0 Not Recogn. Not Recogn. Not Recogn. Not Recogn. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Address 67: Voice Control Labels: 4E0-910-75x-67.lbl Part No SW: 4E0 910 754 Q HW: 4E0 035 753 A Component: SDS 3501 US H45 0630 Revision: 00000000 Serial number: 00000609280015 Shop #: WSC 12336 024 394758 VCID: 346776B657FA45E274-8060 1 Fault Found: 01715 - Conversation Mode; Telephone 004 - No Signal/Communication - Intermittent Freeze Frame: Fault Status: 00110100 Fault Priority: 5 Fault Frequency: 1 Reset counter: 151 Mileage: 260990 km Time Indication: 0 Date: 2017.03.05 Time: 16:21:19 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Address 72: Door, Rear Right Labels: 4E0-910-802.lbl Part No SW: 4E0 910 802 A HW: 4E0 959 802 C Component: Türsteuer.HR BRM003 0060 Coding: 0028204 Shop #: WSC 02311 785 00200 VCID: 1E33B41EC976FFB2B2-804A No fault code found. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Address 76: Park Assist Labels: 4E0-910-283.lbl Part No SW: 4E0 910 283 A HW: 4E0 919 283 B Component: Parkhilfe 8-Kan H12 0020 Revision: --.--.-- Serial number: 08720506401738 Coding: 0001208 Shop #: WSC 02313 785 00200 VCID: 21498FE2F808C04A8F-8074 No fault code found. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Address 77: Telephone Labels: 4E0-910-336.lbl Part No SW: 4F0 910 336 A HW: 4E0 862 335 Component: Handyvorb2 H10 0120 Revision: 00000000 Serial number: 00000007518262 Coding: 0010900 Shop #: WSC 02313 785 00200 VCID: 21498FE2F808C04A8F-8074 No fault code found.
Ultimo resultado, fresquito de fabrica, a ver que me podeis comentar. Gracias. VIN: Mileage: 260980km-162165miles 00-Steering Angle Sensor -- Status: OK 0000 01-Engine -- Status: Malfunction 0010 02-Auto Trans -- Status: OK 0000 03-ABS Brakes -- Status: OK 0000 05-Acc/Start Auth. -- Status: Malfunction 0010 06-Seat Mem. Pass -- Status: OK 0000 07-Control Head -- Status: OK 0000 08-Auto HVAC -- Status: OK 0000 09-Cent. Elect. -- Status: OK 0000 0E-Media Player 1 -- Status: OK 0000 0F-Digital Radio -- Status: Cannot be reached 1100 15-Airbags -- Status: OK 0000 16-Steering wheel -- Status: OK 0000 17-Instruments -- Status: Malfunction 0010 19-CAN Gateway -- Status: Malfunction 0010 25-Immobilizer -- Status: Malfunction 0010 34-Level Control -- Status: Malfunction 0010 36-Seat Mem. Drvr -- Status: OK 0000 37-Navigation -- Status: OK 0000 38-Roof Electronics -- Status: OK 0000 42-Door Elect, Driver -- Status: OK 0000 46-Central Conv. -- Status: Malfunction 0010 47-Sound System -- Status: Malfunction 0010 4F-Centr. Electr. II -- Status: OK 0000 52-Door Elect, Pass. -- Status: OK 0000 53-Parking Brake -- Status: Malfunction 0010 55-Headlight Range -- Status: Cannot be reached 1100 56-Radio -- Status: OK 0000 61-Battery Regul. -- Status: OK 0000 62-Door, Rear Left -- Status: OK 0000 65-Tire Pressure -- Status: OK 0000 67-Voice Control -- Status: OK 0000 72-Door, Rear Right -- Status: OK 0000 76-Park Assist -- Status: OK 0000 77-Telephone -- Status: OK 0000 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Address 01: Engine Labels: 077-910-560-BFM.lbl Part No SW: 4E0 910 560 J HW: 4E0 907 560 Component: 4.2L V8/5V G 0010 Revision: --H01--- Serial number: AUX3Z0E2760581 Coding: 0007773 Shop #: WSC 02313 785 00200 VCID: 285F92C69B323102C8-807C 1 Fault Found: 17981 - Left Engine Mount Solenoid Valve (N144) P1573 - 004 - Open Circuit Readiness: 0010 1101 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Address 02: Auto Trans Labels: 09E-927-156.lbl Part No SW: 4E0 910 156 S HW: 09E 927 156 A Component: AG6 09E 4,2L5V USA 0020 Revision: --H01--- Serial number: 0055097 Coding: 0000002 Shop #: WSC 02313 785 00200 VCID: 326B70AEADEE4BD266-8066 No fault code found. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Address 03: ABS Brakes Labels: 4E0-910-517.lbl Part No SW: 4E0 910 517 B HW: 4E0 614 517 BC Component: ESP 5.7 allrad H44 0510 Coding: 0007597 Shop #: WSC 02313 000 00000 VCID: 224B80EEFD0EDB5296-8076 No fault code found. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Address 05: Acc/Start Auth. Labels: 4E0-910-131.lbl Part No SW: 4E0 910 131 HW: 4E0 909 131 D Component: FBS AUDID3 H04 0140 Revision: 01404004 Serial number: AUX3Z0E2760581 Coding: 0410624 Shop #: WSC 02311 785 00200 VCID: 58BFE206EBD24182B8-800C Subsystem 1 - Part No: XXXXXXXXXXX Component: ELV XXXX 1 Fault Found: 00183 - Interior Access/Start Authorization Antenna 1 (R138) 011 - Open Circuit Freeze Frame: Fault Status: 01101011 Fault Priority: 4 Fault Frequency: 0 Reset counter: 150 Mileage: 260976 km Time Indication: 0 Date: 2017.03.05 Time: 12:40:54 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Address 06: Seat Mem. Pass Labels: None Part No SW: 4E0 910 760 C HW: 4E0 959 760 Component: Sitzmemory BFS H08 0060 Revision: 00000000 Serial number: 5DS 008 795-03 Coding: 3940448 Shop #: WSC 02313 785 00200 VCID: 234585EAE214D25A9D-8076 No fault code found. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Address 07: Control Head Labels: 4E0-910-7xx-07.lbl Part No SW: 4E0 910 732 T HW: 4E0 035 729 A Component: Interfacebox H43 4610 Revision: 00000000 Serial number: 348HW067505239 Coding: 0000003 Shop #: WSC 02313 785 00200 VCID: 336575AA52F442DA6D-8066 Subsystem 1 - Part No: 4E0 910 611 Component: E0380 BedienteilH01 0050 Subsystem 2 - Serial number: 00000000077443 Subsystem 3 - Serial number: 0103.11.080000000100010011ÿ Subsystem 4 - Serial number: 010011ÿ No fault code found. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Address 08: Auto HVAC Labels: None Part No SW: 4E0 910 043 B HW: 4E0 820 043 D Component: KLIMAAUTOMAT 016 0400 Revision: 00000030 Serial number: 00000000063632 Coding: 1052993 Shop #: WSC 02311 785 00200 VCID: 1C37BE16DF6AEDA25C-8048 No fault code found. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Address 09: Cent. Elect. Labels: 4E0-910-279.lbl Part No SW: 4E0 910 279 L HW: 4E0 907 279 L Component: ILM Fahrer H12 0210 Coding: 0123123 Shop #: WSC 02313 785 00200 VCID: 31697FA2A8E870CA1F-8064 Subsystem 1 - Part No: 4E1 910 113 B Component: Wischer WWS D3 H50 0400 Coding: 00000035 Shop #: WSC 02313 Subsystem 2 - Part No: 4E0 910 557 Labels: 8K0-955-559.CLB Component: REGENLICHTSENSORH10 0050 Coding: 00139548 Shop #: WSC 02313 No fault code found. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Address 0E: Media Player 1 Labels: 4E0-910-111.lbl Part No SW: 4E0 910 111 E HW: 4E0 035 111 A Component: CD-Changer H44 0430 Revision: 00000000 Serial number: AUZ5ZBE7134601 Shop #: WSC 00000 000 00000 VCID: 1B35BD0ADA64EA9A55-804E No fault code found. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Address 0F: Digital Radio Cannot be reached ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Address 15: Airbags Labels: 4E0-910-655-84.lbl Part No SW: 4E0 910 655 A HW: 4E0 959 655 E Component: Airbag 8.4E+ H10 0920 Coding: 0530707 Shop #: WSC 02313 785 00200 VCID: 244786F6E71AD562E4-8070 No fault code found. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Address 16: Steering wheel Labels: 4E0-910-549.lbl Part No SW: 4E0 910 549 HW: 4E0 953 549 A Component: Lenksäulenmodul H13 0040 Coding: 0012241 Shop #: WSC 02313 785 00200 VCID: 65C1DBF2ACA0EC6A33-8030 Subsystem 1 - Part No: XXXXXXXXXXX Component: Lenkradmodul H05 0080 No fault code found. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Address 17: Instruments Labels: 4E0-910-xxx-17.lbl Part No SW: 4E0 910 950 G HW: 4E0 920 950 G Component: KOMBIINSTR. VDO H53 0210 Revision: D05 Serial number: AUDID3E2004215 Coding: 0016233 Shop #: WSC 08307 444 52648 VCID: 285F92C69B323102C8-807C 1 Fault Found: 16346 - Control Module - ROM Error 014 - Defective Freeze Frame: Fault Status: 00000011 Fault Priority: 1 Fault Frequency: 1 Reset counter: 255 Mileage: 259008 km Time Indication: 0 Date: 2004.03.25 Time: 04:46:45 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Address 19: CAN Gateway Labels: 4E0-910-468.clb Part No SW: 4E0 910 468 B HW: 4E0 907 468 E Component: Gateway H10 0080 Revision: 10 Serial number: 19003052270025 Coding: FCFE7BDD1B7904 Shop #: WSC 08216 444 84054 VCID: 275D91FA962C3E7AC1-8072 2 Faults Found: 01771 - Control Module for Headlight Range (J431) 004 - No Signal/Communication Freeze Frame: Fault Status: 01100100 Fault Priority: 2 Fault Frequency: 2 Reset counter: 150 Mileage: 260986 km Time Indication: 0 Date: 2017.03.05 Time: 12:19:39 02230 - Digital Radio (DAB) (R147) 004 - No Signal/Communication Freeze Frame: Fault Status: 01100100 Fault Priority: 3 Fault Frequency: 2 Reset counter: 150 Mileage: 260986 km Time Indication: 0 Date: 2017.03.05 Time: 12:20:34 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Address 25: Immobilizer Labels: 4E0-910-131.lbl Part No SW: 4E0 910 131 HW: 4E0 909 131 D Component: FBS AUDID3 H04 0140 Revision: 01404004 Serial number: AUX3Z0E2760581 Coding: 0410624 Shop #: WSC 02311 785 00200 VCID: 58BFE206EBD24182B8-800C Subsystem 1 - Part No: XXXXXXXXXXX Component: ELV XXXX XXXXXXXXXXX ELV XXXX 1 Fault Found: 00183 - Interior Access/Start Authorization Antenna 1 (R138) 011 - Open Circuit Freeze Frame: Fault Status: 01101011 Fault Priority: 4 Fault Frequency: 0 Reset counter: 150 Mileage: 260976 km Time Indication: 0 Date: 2017.03.05 Time: 12:40:54 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Address 34: Level Control Labels: 4E0-910-553.lbl Part No SW: 4E0 910 553 H HW: 4E0 907 553 F Component: LUFTFDR.-CDC H06 4480 Coding: 0015510 Shop #: WSC 02313 785 00200 VCID: 285F92C69B323102C8-807C 2 Faults Found: 01437 - Control Position not Learned 005 - No or Incorrect Basic Setting / Adaptation Freeze Frame: Fault Status: 11100101 Fault Priority: 2 Fault Frequency: 1 Reset counter: 150 Mileage: 260986 km Time Indication: 0 Date: 2017.03.05 Time: 12:03:44 01772 - Signal from Level Control Pressure Sensor (G291) 008 - Implausible Signal Freeze Frame: Fault Status: 11101000 Fault Priority: 3 Fault Frequency: 2 Reset counter: 150 Mileage: 260987 km Time Indication: 0 Date: 2017.03.05 Time: 12:34:04 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Address 36: Seat Mem. Drvr Labels: None Part No SW: 4E0 910 760 C HW: 4E0 959 760 Component: Sitzmemory FS H08 0060 Revision: 00000000 Serial number: 5DS 008 795-03 Coding: 4071530 Shop #: WSC 02313 785 00200 VCID: 234585EAE214D25A9D-8076 No fault code found. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Address 37: Navigation Labels: 4E0-910-88x-37.lbl Part No SW: 4E0 910 888 C HW: 4E0 919 887 D Component: MNS US H48 0960 Revision: 00000000 Serial number: 381IQ067505613 Shop #: WSC 05136 444 51155 VCID: 2E5364DEB9D66F3202-807A No fault code found. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Address 38: Roof Electronics Labels: 4E0-910-135.lbl Part No SW: 4E0 910 135 A HW: 4E0 907 135 Component: Dachknoten D3 H02 0090 Serial number: 00000504600018 Shop #: WSC 02313 785 00200 VCID: 1D31B312C470E4AAAB-8048 No fault code found. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Address 42: Door Elect, Driver Labels: 4E1-910-802-42.lbl Part No SW: 4E1 910 802 B HW: 4E1 959 801 B Component: Türsteuer.FS BRM003 0060 Coding: 0028204 Shop #: WSC 02311 785 00200 VCID: 204F8AE6F302C94280-8074 No fault code found. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Address 46: Central Conv. Labels: 4E0-910-289.lbl Part No SW: 4E0 910 289 A HW: 4E0 907 289 Component: Komfortgeraet H04 0040 Revision: 00400004 Serial number: W040503160305 Coding: 0065086 Shop #: WSC 02313 785 00200 VCID: 275D91FA962C3E7AC1-8072 Subsystem 1 - Part No: 4E0 910 853 Component: Heckdeckel H06 0060 Subsystem 2 - Part No: 4E0 907 719 Component: Neigungssensor H03 0020 3 Faults Found: 01134 - Alarm Horn (H12) 012 - Electrical Fault in Circuit Freeze Frame: Fault Status: 01101100 Fault Priority: 3 Fault Frequency: 254 Reset counter: 150 Mileage: 242248 km Time Indication: 0 Date: 2015.10.14 Time: 17:22:29 00984 - Left Tail Light (M4) 014 - Defective Freeze Frame: Fault Status: 01101110 Fault Priority: 3 Fault Frequency: 45 Reset counter: 146 Mileage: 259732 km Time Indication: 0 Date: 2004.03.25 Time: 00:01:07 01828 - Bulb for Tail-Lamp; Left 009 - Open or Short to Ground Freeze Frame: Fault Status: 01101001 Fault Priority: 3 Fault Frequency: 52 Reset counter: 146 Mileage: 259965 km Time Indication: 0 Date: 2004.03.28 Time: 00:11:02 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Address 47: Sound System Labels: 4E0-910-223.lbl Part No SW: 4E0 910 223 K HW: 4E0 035 223 A Component: DSP-Amp.-High H13 0440 Revision: PROD_01 Serial number: 00000000007612 Coding: 0000016 Shop #: WSC 02313 785 00200 VCID: 25419BF2EC202C6AF3-8070 1 Fault Found: 02454 - Microphone Unit (in Front Roof Module) (R164) 011 - Open Circuit Freeze Frame: Fault Status: 01101011 Fault Priority: 5 Fault Frequency: 1 Reset counter: 14 Time Indication: 0 Freeze Frame: Bin. Bits: 01 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Address 4F: Centr. Electr. II Labels: None Part No SW: 4E0 910 280 A HW: 4E0 907 280 A Component: ILM Beifahrer H09 0040 Revision: Serial number: 00000000056976 Coding: 0010111 Shop #: WSC 02313 785 00200 VCID: 1E33B41EC976FFB2B2-804A Subsystem 1 - Part No: 4E0 910 511 A Component: UGDO HL US H02 0030 Subsystem 2 - Serial number: VK4978T0M38E No fault code found. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Address 52: Door Elect, Pass. Labels: 4E1-910-802-52.lbl Part No SW: 4E1 910 802 B HW: 4E1 959 802 B Component: Türsteuer.BF BRM003 0060 Coding: 0028204 Shop #: WSC 02311 785 00200 VCID: 204F8AE6F302C94280-8074 No fault code found. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Address 53: Parking Brake Labels: 4E0-910-801.clb Part No SW: 4E0 910 801 D HW: 4E0 907 801 B Component: EPB A4EC0230 H03 0230 Revision: --H03--- Coding: 0000532 Shop #: WSC 05164 444 82780 VCID: 204F8AE6F302C94280-8074 2 Faults Found: 02443 - Control Head 012 - Electrical Fault in Circuit - MIL ON Freeze Frame: Fault Status: 11101100 Fault Priority: 2 Fault Frequency: 2 Reset counter: 149 Mileage: 260976 km Time Indication: 0 Date: 2017.03.04 Time: 11:37:08 Freeze Frame: Voltage: 12.94 V Count: 40 02596 - Rear Brake Pads Worn 008 - Implausible Signal Freeze Frame: Fault Status: 01111000 Fault Priority: 6 Fault Frequency: 1 Reset counter: 81 Mileage: 259152 km Time Indication: 0 Date: 2004.03.25 Time: 14:39:33 Freeze Frame: Voltage: 12.84 V Count: 61 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Address 55: Headlight Range Cannot be reached ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Address 56: Radio Labels: 4E0-910-541.lbl Part No SW: 4E0 910 541 T HW: 4E0 035 541 P Component: TUNER EU/US/RDW H42 0630 Revision: 00000000 Serial number: 396I.067546550 Coding: 0000002 Shop #: WSC 02313 785 00200 VCID: 31697FA2A8E870CA1F-8064 No fault code found. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Address 61: Battery Regul. Labels: 4E0-910-181.lbl Part No SW: 4E0 910 181 C HW: 4E0 915 181 C Component: J0644 BEM H11 0510 Revision: 00000000 Serial number: 00000000005392 Shop #: WSC 07117 444 53517 VCID: 204F8AE6F302C94280-8074 Subsystem 1 - Part No: 4E0 915 105 A Component: von VA0 340705512X Coding: 344530393135313035412056413033343037303535313258 Shop #: WSC 31158 001 1048576 No fault code found. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Address 62: Door, Rear Left Labels: 4E0-910-802.lbl Part No SW: 4E0 910 802 A HW: 4E0 959 801 C Component: Türsteuer.HL BRM003 0060 Coding: 0028204 Shop #: WSC 02311 785 00200 VCID: 1E33B41EC976FFB2B2-804A No fault code found. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Address 65: Tire Pressure Labels: 4E0-910-273.lbl Part No SW: 4E0 910 273 HW: 4E0 907 273 Component: Reifendruck 2 H01 Revision: 00010028 Serial number: 00000700031140 Coding: 0202125 Shop #: WSC 08307 444 68373 VCID: 5FCDC91A8EFCB6BAF9-800A 1 Fault Found: 01477 - System Switched Off 000 - - Freeze Frame: Fault Status: 01100000 Fault Priority: 4 Fault Frequency: 2 Reset counter: 150 Mileage: 260986 km Time Indication: 0 Date: 2017.03.05 Time: 12:05:08 Freeze Frame: Speed: 0.0 km/h Temperature: 23.0°C Error Code: 0 Not Recogn. Not Recogn. Not Recogn. Not Recogn. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Address 67: Voice Control Labels: 4E0-910-75x-67.lbl Part No SW: 4E0 910 754 Q HW: 4E0 035 753 A Component: SDS 3501 US H45 0630 Revision: 00000000 Serial number: 00000609280015 Shop #: WSC 12336 024 394758 VCID: 346776B657FA45E274-8060 No fault code found. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Address 72: Door, Rear Right Labels: 4E0-910-802.lbl Part No SW: 4E0 910 802 A HW: 4E0 959 802 C Component: Türsteuer.HR BRM003 0060 Coding: 0028204 Shop #: WSC 02311 785 00200 VCID: 1E33B41EC976FFB2B2-804A No fault code found. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Address 76: Park Assist Labels: 4E0-910-283.lbl Part No SW: 4E0 910 283 A HW: 4E0 919 283 B Component: Parkhilfe 8-Kan H12 0020 Revision: --.--.-- Serial number: 08720506401738 Coding: 0001208 Shop #: WSC 02313 785 00200 VCID: 21498FE2F808C04A8F-8074 No fault code found. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Address 77: Telephone Labels: 4E0-910-336.lbl Part No SW: 4F0 910 336 A HW: 4E0 862 335 Component: Handyvorb2 H10 0120 Revision: 00000000 Serial number: 00000007518262 Coding: 0010900 Shop #: WSC 02313 785 00200 VCID: 21498FE2F808C04A8F-8074 No fault code found.
Si, tengo que pasárselo. El coche es nuevo ( 1 mes ) en mi primer post lo comentaba, aunque no tuve mucho éxito, comprobé las cosas que entendía que tenía que hacer y me pareció una operación interesante. Estaba desconectado, imagino, por que tuvo un golpe frontal ( sin tocar chasis ) y la reparación fue en un taller de "amigos"
Me he llevado una semi alegría, antes de conectar el cable del compressor, que estaban desconectados ( a ciegas, porque no veía lo que hacía ) las opciones de la suspensión en la pantalla del MMI han cambiado ( antes me aparecía la opción confort y automatic y no hacían nada al seleccionarlas ) hoy ( el rato que he salido con el coche ) han encendido las 4 opciones, hasta que he podido trastear, el coche iba en automático y a cada rato saltaba el compresor ( por ciudad ) cuando llegue, puse el modo lift ( para evitar que el compresor entre en acción, no se, si hubiera una fuga en un amortiguador, el compresor se activaría automáticamente ) Y a modo comentario, cuando desconecto la batería y la vuelvo a conectar, se enciende la pantalla Audi/MMI, se apaga, no funciona más nada ( salvo las luces del cargador de cd y el de los mapas ) hasta unos 20 minutos, que se "conecta" solo. No sé si es normal o no... No he tenido tiempo para vagcom ni más nada...
Confirmó que es un fusible de 40A y está en "las rodillas" del conductor, hay que quitar el panel. También encontramos ahí (para quien le de el fallo del rele) el rele que se cambia cada vez que cambiemos el compresor o que a consecuencia de quemarse este rele, se quema el fusible de 40A y por eso el compresor no trabaja y deja la suspensión baja. Poco a poco iremos dando con la técnica.
He estado leyendo y ¿no será que en vez de un fusible normal, sea un rele de 40A?
En teria, se cuál es el fusible, pero no es de 40A, según el manual ( y en la tapita de los fusibles también viene descrito ) la tapa lateral del copiloto, el fusible número 10 ( de 10A ) dice Sistema de control de suspensión ( sistema de suspensión de aire adaptable ) En el manual, los únicos fusibles de 40A, son los del limpia parabrisas, bomba de gasolina electrónica y si no me equivoco, el general ( que está arriba de la batería, por encima de la última tira de fusibles, en solitario.
he pensado una posibilidad hasta que mire el compresor, si la descarga de batería viene del N111 ¿sería factible, una vez aparcó el coche, quitarle el fusible del compresor y ponérselo cuando vaya a reanudar la marcha? De esta forma no podría entrar en funcionamiento automático cuando el coche está parado. En caso afirmativo ¿cual o cuales fusibles tendría que desconectar? Gracias.
Estuve mirando por encima ( no lo he sacado aún, no he tenido tiempo y sigo sin el ) y resulta que había un cable suelto, no se si el del sensor térmico o el de la electrovalvula, a ver si tengo tiempo y puedo mirarlo mañana...
He aprovechado y acabo de pedir un kit Wabco de reparación, ya que lo voy a abrir, prevenimos un posible mal.
Pero en caso de ser ese el problema de consumo, solo se activa cuando el módulo entiende que necesita presión y ahí es que se queda "pinzado" por lo que no tengo manera de medirlo salvo que sea el momento clave.
Si no me equivoco, el N111 se encuentra dentro del compresor. He estado informándome y es un mal común, los cables se sueltan y se pegan, los pines se mueven al arrancar el compresor, etc. Veré a ver que puedo hacer pero sobretodo, saber si ese es el problema...