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Todo lo publicado por Luciano

  1. No funciona ...
  2. Luciano

    ELSAWIN 3.90

    tienes los dados instalados????
  3. Para teres una Idea do que se puede hacer ..... http://www.audipt.com/f88/km-com-vag-com-6-07-ou-superior-44372/index60.html#post1709607
  4. BERLINA - Más bonito - GoNzCiD - Más deportivo - gerardosky - Más cuidado - GoNzCiD - Más modificado - spark - Mejor mecánica - GoNzCiD - Mejor de serie - gerardosky - Más elegante - luisitin - Más tuning - GoNzCiD AVANT - Más bonito - EGASRS - Más deportivo - DavidRS - Más cuidado - EGASRS - Más modificado - EGASRS - Mejor mecánica - AGUS_ - Mejor de serie - EGASRS - Más elegante - EGASRS - Más tuning - EGASRS
  5. Para una B5 de 99 la version 3.11 es mas que suficiente. Salu2
  6. Luciano

    cable vag-com

    Para que modelo es ???? Salu2
  7. Luciano


    Necessitas un Cable CAN-BUS Vag-Com > 607.3
  8. Luciano


    No se puede actualizar el Software de tu cable. Se quieres un mas recente, tienes q te comprar un nuevo Salu2
  9. Reclama donde lo compraste Salu2
  10. Luciano

    ETKA 7.2

    SI A min ta tudo ok Salu2
  11. Haces un Autoscan de tu coche. Despues haces un Clear all DTC. E ya ta Salu2
  12. Luciano

    ETKA 7.2

    http://rapidshare.com/files/204749236/ETKA...FULL.part01.rar http://rapidshare.com/files/204749196/ETKA...FULL.part02.rar http://rapidshare.com/files/204749242/ETKA...FULL.part03.rar http://rapidshare.com/files/204751252/ETKA...FULL.part04.rar http://rapidshare.com/files/204750189/ETKA...FULL.part05.rar http://rapidshare.com/files/204750234/ETKA...FULL.part06.rar http://rapidshare.com/files/204750216/ETKA...FULL.part07.rar http://rapidshare.com/files/204751612/ETKA...FULL.part08.rar http://rapidshare.com/files/204751290/ETKA...FULL.part09.rar http://rapidshare.com/files/204751346/ETKA...FULL.part10.rar http://rapidshare.com/files/204750281/ETKA...FULL.part11.rar Password: geodeejay
  13. Luciano


    Ahora es la version 8.12
  14. Luciano


    Es VAG-COM e no VAG-CON Salu2
  15. En nuestros coches tines 2 tipos de centralinas. Las EDC 15 e la EDC 16. El Vag-com 805 no le las centralina mas modernas. Salu2
  16. LA version 805 no le centralina EDC16
  17. Si Cyualquir los dos te servem Salu2
  18. Aqui se explica la diferencia entre las versiones de VAG-COM -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Revision History, Major Releases: Release 805.1 posted 24 August 2008 Adds support for latest new model cars such as Audi Q5, Passat CC, new Skoda Superb, VW Sirocco and Passat CC. Numerous small bug-fixes and stability enhancements. Release 805.0 posted 29 May 2008 New Product Name: VAG-COM is now VCDS™. Full support for control modules using the new "Service 22" identification methods. Support for control modules using the new UDS/ODX/ASAM protocol. The following functions are supported: Control Module ID (including Advanced ID), Coding, Security Access, and Fault Codes. New Session Log capabilities. Support for Generic OBD-II Mode 10. Support for vehicles with dual ECUs, or example the RS4 and W12 engines. Both ECUs are accessible simultaneously via address 31 for Basic Settings such as TBA. Revised Adaptation screen to support the much longer Long Adaptations now appearing in some control modules. Revised Advanced ID screen for increased flexibility handling the various data items appearing in the latest control modules. New internal Gateway Coding Assistant (required for Audi B8 platform cars). Much improved documentation (Label Files) for many older cars. For more details, see our Beta 711 and Beta 804 pages. Release 704 posted 5 April 2007 Fully compatible with Windows Vista Automatic Updates New Service Reminder function Support for Guided Readiness Scripts. Optical Bus Diagnosis Battery Coding Assistant Ability to save and retrieve Advanced Measuring Block configurations Enhanced compatibility with latest model cars. New universal Installer with USB driver pre-installation. For more details, see our Beta 702 page. This version is no longer supported. Users should update to a newer version. Release 607 posted 14 July 2006 New Advanced Measuring Blocks function Freeze Frame Data shown in-line with Fault Codes and in Auto-Scan Fault codes now indicate whether a MIL is on. Automatic Detection of installed modules (CAN cars only) in Auto Scan. Auto-Scan includes Hardware Part Numbers on those modules where it's available separately. New Supported Codes function. New EDC15+ Mileage function (odometer reality-check). New Acceleration Measurement function (performance calculator) Regular and Long Coding screens combined into one. New VAG-Scope version 1.9 compatible with Advanced Measuring Blocks. New TDI-Graph version 1.4 compatible with V6 TDIs. Updated Label Files Generic OBD-II now includes Info Types 08 and 0A in Mode 9. New more informative Installer. Support for new Micro-CAN interfaces. Numerous other fixes and enhancements introduced in Beta 606. This version is no longer supported. Users should update to a newer version. Release 512 posted 24 December 2005 Supports Selective Output Tests Supports Coding of Slave Modules Adds control module mapping functions. Support/intergration of Long Coding Helper applications such as Niels Ezerman's excellent LCode.exe (included with this distribution of VAG-COM): Revised Options Screen with parameters grouped more logically. Supports alphanumeric Long Adaptations Revised and expanded Label Files to document many more systems. As usual, big thanks and lots of credit are owed to Sebastian and Michael. Revised and expanded CODES file. Now over 9000 codes -- completely up to date. Numerous other fixes and enhancements introduced in Beta Versions 505, 506, and 510. This version is no longer supported. Users should update to a newer version. Release 504 posted 05 April 2005 Compatible with all the latest car models, engines, & transmissions. Revised and expanded Label Files to document many more systems. A big thanks and lots of credit are owed to Sebastian and Michael. Revised and expanded CODES file for improved clarity and new codes for 2006 models. Incorporates all new features including generic OBD-II functionality introduced in Beta 500.x. Adds generic OBD-II capabilities This version is no longer supported. Users should update to a newer version. Release 409 posted 03 October 2004 Clear All DTCs functions Support for Transport Mode ON/OFF for Golf-5 Platform and Audi A8(4E) chassis cars. Fixed incompatibility with older Sharan (7M platform) 09 modules. CODES file enhanced with texts for 2005 models. Ability to decode Readiness bits for modern TDI engines Support for selectable window sizes for higher-resolution laptops. New Label File redirection methods New Version 1.7 VAG-Scope New Version 1.3E of TDI-Graph SAVE CODES button on Fault Codes Screen. This version is supported only for customers who are using long obsolete "dumb" or third-party interfaces. Release 404 posted 29 April 2004 Support for HEX+CAN interfaces and all 2005 Model VW/Audi/Seat/Skoda passenger vehicles including those requiring a direct CAN connection for diagnostics with an appropriate CAN-capable interface. Includes all additional enhancements introduced in Beta versions 401.2, 402.3, and 403.1. Adds support for the KEY-COM and KEY-USB Interfaces. Adds enhanced labels for Measuring Blocks, Adaptation Channels, and Recode screens. Adds suggested coding values for Airbag controllers. This version is no longer supported. Users should update to a newer version. Release 311 posted 16 November 2003 Support for all 2004 Model VW/Audi/Seat/Skoda passenger vehicles using the K-Line for diagnostics. "Turbo" mode in Measuring Blocks for ME7 and EDC16 ECUs using KWP-2000 protocol for diagnostics. Up to 34 samples per second. Requires HEX-COM or HEX-USB interface. Enhanced keyboard support throughout VAG-COM Browse function when opening Log files. Ability to Log Measuring Block Group 000. New "Tabbed" Select Control Module Interface with buttons for all control module addresses currently supported by the VAS-5051/5052. Enhanced Measuring Block formulas. Adds support for a number of new data-types, and fixes all known bugs in formulas. All formulas have been verified against our VAS-5052 with latest software. Adds Freeze Frame data for Fault Codes on control modules using the KWP-2000 protocols. Adds Advanced ID function for control modules using the KWP-2000 Protocols. Assorted Bug Fixes. This version is no longer supported. Users should update to a newer version. Adds Support for the HEX-USB Interface, including updated USB Drivers compatible with both the TWIN-USB and the HEX-USB. Completely rewritten KWP-2000 routines. Compatible with numerous new control modules found in Touareg, Phaeton and others including EDC-16 and MED-9. Adds Output Test (03), Adaptation (10) and Access Authorization (16) for control modules using KWP-2000. This version is supported only for customers who are using long obsolete "dumb" or third-party interfaces. Release 303 posted 24 March 2003 Adds the long awaited Auto-Scan ("00 Scan") feature. Adds support for the TDI Timing Checker "Plug-In" Tremendously expanded and completely revised CODES file. Now over 7000 codes, including codes for new models like the Touareg, Phaeton, NB Cabrio, etc. Includes new version (1.3a) of VAG-Scope which supports graphing of 10 fields found in Group 000. Numerous small enhancements Fixes for some "glitches" in HEX-COM and TWIN-USB support. Adds support for new HEX-COM and TWIN-USB interfaces. Adds support for VAG-Scope graphing "Plug-In" This version is no longer supported. Users should update to a newer version. Release 208 posted 12 August 2002 Adds Basic Settings, Login, Recode, and Readiness for those control modules that use the KWP-2000 protocols in 2001 and newer (mostly 2002+) cars. Adds Control Module Finder. Adds a 256 Color Mode for old PC's on which previous versions of VAG-COM didn't look very nice. Numerous small tweaks and bug-fixes. This version is no longer supported. Users should update to a newer version. Beta 0.81 posted 14 March 2002 New Self-Installing -- no need to manually create folders or shortcuts. Supports 7-Digit PINs (Secret Key Codes) Supports control modules using KWP-2000 protocol -- Shows Controller Info, Reads and Clears Fault Codes, shows & allows logging of Measuring Blocks. Other functions will be added soon. Incorporates numerous other small improvements previously available in Alpha 0.80 and Alpha 0.81. Additional Label Files and Codes Added warning pop-up for the Airbag Controller Issue. This version is no longer supported. Users should update to a newer version. Beta 0.78 posted 08 July 2001 Adds Data Logging Adds Print Codes from the Fault Code Screen Fixes a rarely occurring bug causing some fault codes not to be shown (only when there are a large number of them) Lots of new Label Files, a few new Codes. Added De-Activate button to facilitate license transfers This version is no longer supported. Users should update to a newer version. Beta 0.75 posted 18 Mar 2001 Huge CODES file update. Over 3400 codes! Adds the ability to view 3 Measuring Block Groups simultaneously. Adds support for user-supplied Measuring Block Labels Adds complete support for "hybrid" measuring block data-type common in Digfant-3 ECUs and AG4 Transmissions. May work with some USB<->RS232 adapters, but this is not officially supported. If it works for you, fine. If it's "flaky", try a PC with a "real" port! This version is no longer supported. Users should update to a newer version. Beta 0.71 posted 06 Feb 2001 Adds OBD-II Compatibility Test Adds support for Magnetti-Marelli ECUs common on South American VWs. This version is no longer supported. Users should update to a newer version. Beta 0.70b posted 10 Jan 2001 Adds Output Test, Single Reading, and View Readiness. Low-Level protocol drivers rewritten to include error detection and correction. Better support for non-optically isolated interface adapters Adds checksums to Serial Numbers and Activation Codes so typographical errors will be rejected. Various small bug fixes This version is no longer supported. Users should update to a newer version. Beta 0.65 posted 30 Oct 2000 Adds Measuring Blocks, Basic Settings, and Adaptation Functions. Improved Controller Initialization and Protocol Options. Runs as "Shareware" without Activation. Requires Activation Code for full functionality. Version 0.65 is not longer supported, users should update to a newer version. Beta 0.50 / 0.50a Posted 16 May 2000 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- @ http://www.ross-tech.com/vcds/revisions.html
  19. Luciano


    Esse Elsa 3.60 tiene los Datos en Espanol ?????? Lo saquei un, 13 GB, e no lo tienia Me puedes passar un PM Salu2 LUciano
  20. Luciano


    La version que anda por la RED 3.61 no tiene el idioma Español
  21. http://cgi.ebay.de/ELSAWIN-3-61-VW-AUDI-SE...tem300296226454
  22. http://cgi.ebay.de/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewIt...em=110351606793
  23. VAG-COm es para diagnoticar. Sal2
  24. la diferencia entre la version 704 e 805 son minimas