JonyGode Publicado 9 de Agosto del 2009 Denunciar Publicado 9 de Agosto del 2009 wenas tengo un a3 8p cpon sensores de parking traseros suena muy flojito y me gustaria saber si se puede dar volumen y como se hace es de serie y suena desde la parte traserami coche es del finales de 2003 un saludo y gracias Responder
walas Publicado 10 de Agosto del 2009 Denunciar Publicado 10 de Agosto del 2009 wenas tengo un a3 8p cpon sensores de parking traserossuena muy flojito y me gustaria saber si se puede dar volumen y como se hace es de serie y suena desde la parte traserami coche es del finales de 2003 un saludo y gracias Pues a mi me pasa to lo contrario, cada vez q tengo q dar la marcha atras lo temo, xq me deja tonto de lo alto que suena... asiq tambien me vendria bien saberlo. Un saludoO! Responder
nextro Publicado 10 de Agosto del 2009 Denunciar Publicado 10 de Agosto del 2009 con vagcom se puede configurar el volumen y demas: Aqui os dejo la adaptacion del modulo 76 (parking Aid). Adaptation Rear Buzzer Volume [select] [76 - Parking Aid] [Adaptation - 10] Channel 001 [Read] Adaptation of the rear warning buzzer volume. Range: 1...9 [Test] [save] [Done, Go Back] [Close Controller, Go Back - 06] Rear Buzzer Frequency [select] [76 - Parking Aid] [Adaptation - 10] Channel 002 [Read] Adaptation of the rear warning buzzer frequency. Range: 1...9 [Test] [save] [Done, Go Back] [Close Controller, Go Back - 06] Front Buzzer Volume [select] [76 - Parking Aid] [Adaptation - 10] Channel 003 [Read] Adaptation of the front warning buzzer volume. Range: 1...9 [Test] [save] [Done, Go Back] [Close Controller, Go Back - 06] Front Buzzer Frequency [select] [76 - Parking Aid] [Adaptation - 10] Channel 004 [Read] Adaptation of the front warning buzzer frequency. Range: 1...9 [Test] [save] [Done, Go Back] [Close Controller, Go Back - 06] Confirmation Sound [select] [76 - Parking Aid] [Adaptation - 10] Channel 005 [Read] Adaptation of confirmation sound when switching into reverse gear. * 0 = Confirmation Sound inactive * 1 = Confirmation Sound active [Test] [save] [Done, Go Back] [Close Controller, Go Back - 06] Factory Defaults [select] [76 - Parking Aid] [Adaptation - 10] Channel 006 [Read] To reset all values to factory defaults, save 0 as new value. [Test] [save] [Done, Go Back] [Close Controller, Go Back - 06] espero que os sirva, un saludo Responder
walas Publicado 10 de Agosto del 2009 Denunciar Publicado 10 de Agosto del 2009 con vagcom se puede configurar el volumen y demas: Aqui os dejo la adaptacion del modulo 76 (parking Aid). Adaptation Rear Buzzer Volume [select] [76 - Parking Aid] [Adaptation - 10] Channel 001 [Read] Adaptation of the rear warning buzzer volume. Range: 1...9 [Test] [save] [Done, Go Back] [Close Controller, Go Back - 06] Rear Buzzer Frequency [select] [76 - Parking Aid] [Adaptation - 10] Channel 002 [Read] Adaptation of the rear warning buzzer frequency. Range: 1...9 [Test] [save] [Done, Go Back] [Close Controller, Go Back - 06] Front Buzzer Volume [select] [76 - Parking Aid] [Adaptation - 10] Channel 003 [Read] Adaptation of the front warning buzzer volume. Range: 1...9 [Test] [save] [Done, Go Back] [Close Controller, Go Back - 06] Front Buzzer Frequency [select] [76 - Parking Aid] [Adaptation - 10] Channel 004 [Read] Adaptation of the front warning buzzer frequency. Range: 1...9 [Test] [save] [Done, Go Back] [Close Controller, Go Back - 06] Confirmation Sound [select] [76 - Parking Aid] [Adaptation - 10] Channel 005 [Read] Adaptation of confirmation sound when switching into reverse gear. * 0 = Confirmation Sound inactive * 1 = Confirmation Sound active [Test] [save] [Done, Go Back] [Close Controller, Go Back - 06] Factory Defaults [select] [76 - Parking Aid] [Adaptation - 10] Channel 006 [Read] To reset all values to factory defaults, save 0 as new value. [Test] [save] [Done, Go Back] [Close Controller, Go Back - 06] espero que os sirva, un saludo Muxas gracias Nextro, asi da gusto!! jejje Un saludo!! Responder
jymig Publicado 10 de Agosto del 2009 Denunciar Publicado 10 de Agosto del 2009 Pero esto mismo se no se puede configurar en el FIS? Responder
JonyGode Publicado 10 de Agosto del 2009 Autor Denunciar Publicado 10 de Agosto del 2009 muchisimas gracias,me hasido de gran ayuda.mañana lo pruevo Responder
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