manupamplona Publicado 8 de Marzo del 2005 Denunciar Publicado 8 de Marzo del 2005 hola queria saber si ,en un ibiza del 2004 como se quita eso que cuando le das ,al mando para abrir solo te habre la puerta del conductor y dos veces todas lo quiero,dejar normal sabeis que modulo, entrar y qu codigo poner gracias un saludo Responder
pandatdi Publicado 22 de Marzo del 2005 Denunciar Publicado 22 de Marzo del 2005 Pues creo que debes de restar 4 a la codificacion de tu modulo 35 o 46? Entonces se te quedará normal. Aqui tienes las codificaciones: Now we can correlate the bits with the chart for Adaptation Channel 62: State Bit Dec. Function ON 0 1 windows up with remote ON 1 2 windows down with remote ON 2 4 windows up with key in lock ON 3 8 windows down with key in lock ON 4 16 sunroof close with remote OFF 5 32 sunroof open with remote (does not appear to work) ON 6 64 sunroof close with key in lock OFF 7 128 sunroof open with key in lock (does not appear to work) Also, you will see if we add up the decimal values for each of the bits that are ON, we can verify that we did it right because we got the original Adaptation value of 95. 1 + 2 + 4 + 8 + 16 + 64 = 95. By now you're likely starting to wonder why "Windows with Remote" stuff doesn't work since the appropriate bits appear to be ON. To answer this question, we need to look at the coding the same way. The original coding in this car is 11788 (decimal). That's 2E0C in hex or 010111000001100 in binary. Again, we can again correlate the binary bits with the function table, just like we did above. Central Convenience Controller Coding: State Bit Dec. Function OFF 0 1 Great Britain- alarm system (only with bit 4) OFF 1 2 flash on when arming/unarming alarm system ON 2 4 selective locking 1 door/all doors ON 3 8 activate alarm system OFF 4 16 rear unlocking block via speed OFF 5 32 locking via speed OFF 6 64 comfort functions with remote (adapt in ch 62!!) OFF 7 128 right side steering OFF 8 256 avant (glass break sensors in rear side-and rear windows (if error: safe-LED constantly lit )) ON 9 512 1x flash when lock with remote ON 10 1024 horn sounds when lock with remote ON 11 2048 door/window-logic ( ignition off: No open door el. windows works 10 min ) OFF 12 4096 normal/????-alarm system ON 13 8192 No SAFE-function USA only OFF 14 16384 insulate-glass PR-nr 4KR/4KV Responder
manupamplona Publicado 26 de Marzo del 2005 Autor Denunciar Publicado 26 de Marzo del 2005 ok gracias pero yo de ingles ni papas Responder
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