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you'd know make a channel adaptation?
I need information on your channel by channel module 46
Concerning the rear light is not possible otherwise.

The first need is led by led desoldering, you will have to acquire 48 new OSRAM LEDs, if you want to datasheet you step, the current can not be exploited unless you have available methods to remove them is not an easy task.
you have notions of electronic components?
If not, I know very bad, discard this system ....

Look for an alternative method is located and contact someone that lends itself to modify your beacon ...
send me a private message and look for a solution.
a greeting :good:

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  En 4/6/2016 a las 10:26, loveaudi91 dijo:

You said i should look for somebody who can modfy my lights. But i dont nobody who can this, only you Can this.

I am contacting you by private

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