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(Versión en español -> https://www.audisport-iberica.com/foro/topic/319096-vag-com-en-excel-para-a4-b8-a5-y-q5/)


For explaining it quickly, this file shows same info your car shows you when you are connected, except you don’t need to connect and select each module, just jumping among different tabs.


https://www.dropbox.com/s/88wl7qiiux4hcvb/VAG COM en Excel.xlsx

I used version 11.11.3 to get first screenshots in the past, latest revision was done with 12.12.2, but I've only found a couple of new lines


• History

In all forums where I've looked a bit on vagcom , I have not found anyone to gather all the options together. All forums refer to this or that module, changing this or that bit, and most of the information is duplicated in different languages. I missed an order into big quantity of bits, bytes and modules.

Therefore, I started to take screenshots of all modules and all the bytes, and drop-down lists. With this information, I was able to look at the value of any bit without having to go down to the garage, connect and search. Then I saw that if you gathered all the texts of those images in a single file it had the advantage of being able to do a search for a word in all modules at once, so I put all those texts into an Excel, placing each module in a tab. Then I thought it could be useful for anyone with an auto-scan of its car by simply copying their codes on the 1st page and see what he has. In addition, this is the Excel we have here, ready to be used by anyone. I also added the Security Codes given by vagcom (blue boxed) and others I've found in other forums, but I have only tried a few of them.

It's made with Excel 2007 and it will not work with older versions. Problem is there are formulas don’t work, so I recommend at least 2007.


· How it works


If you want to try it, just download the Excel and type in 1st tab codes of your auto-scan, replacing the existing ones by your values:




Only with this action, each module will tell you what is present in your car. The code goes to his tab and decomposes itself into above bytes. Even if you go down into the page, bytes will still be visible above. Each byte is broken down into bits and these ones will mark what is and what is not. Also it paints blue things already activated and check the box with an X.




There are also drop-down lists that will appear when you click on triangle that appears on the right side of the box. It will show all possible values and default one will be selected:




If someone without an own autoscan wants to check it I left the values of my car as example, plus a couple of additional modules that I got from another car.
As I don’t know how much people know about Excel, just I want to mention that for searching a word in all modules, you must change Sheet for Book, and it will searches across all sheets. For example, looking for start / stop and it appears on 3 modules:




If anyone wants to see how it would be changing one byte, for example, because he’s following one of the forums and wants to "practice" in advance , you can do it in the list of bytes showed up and right, but keep in mind that changing one of these bytes will erase the formula that breaks it down, so remember will undo changes with CTRL + Z , or make your changes in the 1st sheet . I would recommend is to put your car codes, save it, and in this new Excel already

modified, change whatever you want, but finally not save the changes.




· Following modules and existing faults


If someone has a module that is not present here and you take your time to send me their screenshots, I'll be happy to include it. My other option is to add more modules connecting to someone's car, but it’s not easy people let you connect to their car.
If someone finds something different between what shows his car and what Excel says, I will appreciate notify it to me, surely I'll be wrong in some formula or some copy and paste. The same if some list gives # N / A in the cell, it’s not finding the correct value and something is missing . This is not the final version , on the contrary, is the initial one.

I think it could be useful for new users of vag-com, to see how it's about bits and bytes and to practice some change ... And for those who already lost their fear to it, the option to do some research or investigate any changes

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