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la q se esta poniendo cada vez mas fea es OTD me parece q la estan dejando demasiado de lado, pq hoy sigue bajando en frankfurt y ya son un monton de dias seguidos, necesitamos ya alguna news q haga girar el valor pq sino mal lo veo


Mientras la sigas mirando en el espejo, la vas a ver cada vez más fea... pero fea de c***... :drool: (piensa en los 1.5$, pues es posble).


A mi tampoco me gusta este movimiento, pero creo que es necesario para realizar otro gran salto de los que ya conocemos, por lo menos yo. Para mi, es como una serpiente, que antes de picar, se encoje para lanzar un buen latigazo.


De momento:


A) Ayer se compraron 690.000 acciones a 1.7$ en el After. Me parece que antes de abrir el telón la gente empieza a coger butaca :drool:


:drool: El dia después.... Viernes 12 de mayo. Aquí, solo pueden suceder dos cosas. O se hunde visitando los 1.5$ por falsas espectativas de esta semana, o (lo que todos esperamos), primera visita hacia los 3$ con paradiña en los 2.15$/2.20$.


Esa es mi opinión después de estar dentro desde hace casi ya dos meses!

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la q se esta poniendo cada vez mas fea es OTD me parece q la estan dejando demasiado de lado, pq hoy sigue bajando en frankfurt y ya son un monton de dias seguidos, necesitamos ya alguna news q haga girar el valor pq sino mal lo veo


Mientras la sigas mirando en el espejo, la vas a ver cada vez más fea... pero fea de c***... :drool: (piensa en los 1.5$, pues es posble).


A mi tampoco me gusta este movimiento, pero creo que es necesario para realizar otro gran salto de los que ya conocemos, por lo menos yo. Para mi, es como una serpiente, que antes de picar, se encoje para lanzar un buen latigazo.


De momento:


A) Ayer se compraron 690.000 acciones a 1.7$ en el After. Me parece que antes de abrir el telón la gente empieza a coger butaca :drool:


:drool: El dia después.... Viernes 12 de mayo. Aquí, solo pueden suceder dos cosas. O se hunde visitando los 1.5$ por falsas espectativas de esta semana, o (lo que todos esperamos), primera visita hacia los 3$ con paradiña en los 2.15$/2.20$.


Esa es mi opinión después de estar dentro desde hace casi ya dos meses!



esperemos q sea la segunda opcion :p

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Respecto a Frankfurt, (creo que os posteé yo mismo el link hace algunas semanas) no lo veo un gran indicativo para USA, ¿por qué?


Mi opinión es que la bolsa en Frankfurt va retrasada y siguiento las diretrices del NASDAQ del dia anterior. Es como si tubieramos un reloj en cada muñeca uno en tiempo real (Frankfurt) y el otro atrasado 14 horas (USA). Las veces que en frankfurt ha subido en USA, el mismo día, también es por que el mercado americano ASI lo dicta y no por ver estrellas en Europa....


Solo en un caso de que Frankfurt pueda ir por delante, en el caso de que en USA lanzen la noticia después del cierre de sesión con lo que en Frankfurt toman ventaja, por lo demás, y para mi, no es más que un simple espejismo.


No es la primera vez, ni la segunda, ni la tercera, que vemos un valor fuerte en Frankfurt y nada más abrir la sesión en USA caer enpicado y al revés, tendencia bajista en Frk y en USA escalando posiciones....


En fin, pienso que a todo el mundo le gusta ver subir sus acciones por partida doble, aunque cuando bajan la put*da también es doble :drool:

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la q se esta poniendo cada vez mas fea es OTD me parece q la estan dejando demasiado de lado, pq hoy sigue bajando en frankfurt y ya son un monton de dias seguidos, necesitamos ya alguna news q haga girar el valor pq sino mal lo veo


Mientras la sigas mirando en el espejo, la vas a ver cada vez más fea... pero fea de c***... :drool: (piensa en los 1.5$, pues es posble).


A mi tampoco me gusta este movimiento, pero creo que es necesario para realizar otro gran salto de los que ya conocemos, por lo menos yo. Para mi, es como una serpiente, que antes de picar, se encoje para lanzar un buen latigazo.


De momento:


A) Ayer se compraron 690.000 acciones a 1.7$ en el After. Me parece que antes de abrir el telón la gente empieza a coger butaca :p


:p El dia después.... Viernes 12 de mayo. Aquí, solo pueden suceder dos cosas. O se hunde visitando los 1.5$ por falsas espectativas de esta semana, o (lo que todos esperamos), primera visita hacia los 3$ con paradiña en los 2.15$/2.20$.


Esa es mi opinión después de estar dentro desde hace casi ya dos meses!



esperemos q sea la segunda opcion :p


Espero no equivocarme :drool: :drool: :p , pues estoy comprado sobre los 1.87$

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Veridium Corporation announced an update on its various ethanol projects.


Veridium owns several technologies that bring substantial benefits to the ethanol industry. These technologies increase the efficiency of ethanol production by increasing the amount of fuel produced while reducing operating costs and plant emissions.


Corn Oil Recycling


Dry mill ethanol producers convert starch from corn into ethanol. The by-product of this process contains the fat from the corn and exits the back of the production process.


Veridium's patented technology economically recovers up to 75% of the fat from this by-product and converts it into pure corn oil which can either be sold as-is or for conversion into biodiesel. This corresponds to 3 million gallons per year of high grade corn oil converts to 3 million gallons per year of biodiesel. This equates to a 6% increase in fuel production out of a 50 million gallon per year ethanol facility, and a significant increase in plant productivity out of the plant's existing infrastructure.


Veridium provides turn-key systems for this technology for no up-front cost in return for long-term corn oil purchase agreements based on a fixed discount to prevailing market prices. Veridium intends to purchase and sell the extracted corn oil and generate an estimated $1.4 million to $1.8 million in annualized revenues per system as the systems are brought online.


Veridium previously announced eight orders with ethanol producers for deployments of various implementations of this technology to date and Veridium's target is to close a total of 20 such orders this year. Veridium expects to bring its first commercial systems based on this technology online later this year.


CO2 Exhaust to Ethanol


Veridium's bioreactor technology is simple, robust and scalable, and was originally designed to reduce greenhouse gas emissions from fossil-fueled combustion processes. The technology is based on a new strain blue-green algae discovered thriving in a hot stream at Yellowstone National Park. The algae use the available carbon dioxide, water and light to grow new algae, giving off pure oxygen and water vapor in the process. Once the algae grow to maturity, they fall to the bottom of the bioreactor where the algae can be harvested for further refining several times per day.


Ethanol is made from starch-based feedstocks. The algae in the bioreactor convert exhaust carbon dioxide and sunlight into a biomass that is comprised of about 94% starch and about 6% oil. This exceeds the starch concentration in corn, the primary feedstock for domestic ethanol production today, which contains about 63% starch and 3-4% oil. The preliminary test data show a doubling of the biomass several times per day - a rate much faster than plants, and it does all of this on a footprint that is orders of magnitude less than the surface area required for crops.


Veridium's technology routes exhaust carbon dioxide from the fermentation stage of ethanol production facilities through a bioreactor that is designed to be integrated with existing ethanol facilities.


Veridium is currently building a small-scale mobile pilot system for sales and technical demonstration purposes, and Veridium's immediate focus for this technology is to deploy permanent commercial-scale pilot operations with qualified early adopters in the ethanol industry and in the power generation industry beginning this year.


Cellulosic Biomass to Energy


Veridium holds the rights to patented technologies that use ultrasonic energies to synthesize hydrogen and/or clean fuels from agricultural wastes, including cellulosic biomass.


This technology uses high intensity ultrasonic energies to enable a new type of hydrogen reformation that is capable of significantly reducing the scale at which hydrogen production is cost-effective. This reduction in scale is made possible by a demonstrated 25% reduction in the temperatures required to affect the reformation reaction as compared to standard steam reformation of natural gas (SRNG), and even greater gains as compared to partial oxidation processes (POX). In standard SRNG and POX processes, the reformation reaction is catalysed chemically. The Veridium process leverages mechanical processes to generate ultrasonic energies that in turn catalyse the reformation reaction at lower temperatures.


Initial testing on prototypes of this technology has demonstrated production of hydrogen-rich gases at small scales with varied carbonaceous feedstocks. Once converted, this hydrogen rich gas can be purified and used as a source of energy.


Veridium's focus for the technology this year will be to demonstrate and deploy a commercial-scale pilot version of the technology that converts discarded corn stalks and other cellulosic biomass into clean energy directly at and for ethanol facilities.

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Veridium Corporation announced an update on its various ethanol projects.


Veridium owns several technologies that bring substantial benefits to the ethanol industry. These technologies increase the efficiency of ethanol production by increasing the amount of fuel produced while reducing operating costs and plant emissions.


Corn Oil Recycling


Dry mill ethanol producers convert starch from corn into ethanol. The by-product of this process contains the fat from the corn and exits the back of the production process.


Veridium's patented technology economically recovers up to 75% of the fat from this by-product and converts it into pure corn oil which can either be sold as-is or for conversion into biodiesel. This corresponds to 3 million gallons per year of high grade corn oil converts to 3 million gallons per year of biodiesel. This equates to a 6% increase in fuel production out of a 50 million gallon per year ethanol facility, and a significant increase in plant productivity out of the plant's existing infrastructure.


Veridium provides turn-key systems for this technology for no up-front cost in return for long-term corn oil purchase agreements based on a fixed discount to prevailing market prices. Veridium intends to purchase and sell the extracted corn oil and generate an estimated $1.4 million to $1.8 million in annualized revenues per system as the systems are brought online.


Veridium previously announced eight orders with ethanol producers for deployments of various implementations of this technology to date and Veridium's target is to close a total of 20 such orders this year. Veridium expects to bring its first commercial systems based on this technology online later this year.


CO2 Exhaust to Ethanol


Veridium's bioreactor technology is simple, robust and scalable, and was originally designed to reduce greenhouse gas emissions from fossil-fueled combustion processes. The technology is based on a new strain blue-green algae discovered thriving in a hot stream at Yellowstone National Park. The algae use the available carbon dioxide, water and light to grow new algae, giving off pure oxygen and water vapor in the process. Once the algae grow to maturity, they fall to the bottom of the bioreactor where the algae can be harvested for further refining several times per day.


Ethanol is made from starch-based feedstocks. The algae in the bioreactor convert exhaust carbon dioxide and sunlight into a biomass that is comprised of about 94% starch and about 6% oil. This exceeds the starch concentration in corn, the primary feedstock for domestic ethanol production today, which contains about 63% starch and 3-4% oil. The preliminary test data show a doubling of the biomass several times per day - a rate much faster than plants, and it does all of this on a footprint that is orders of magnitude less than the surface area required for crops.


Veridium's technology routes exhaust carbon dioxide from the fermentation stage of ethanol production facilities through a bioreactor that is designed to be integrated with existing ethanol facilities.


Veridium is currently building a small-scale mobile pilot system for sales and technical demonstration purposes, and Veridium's immediate focus for this technology is to deploy permanent commercial-scale pilot operations with qualified early adopters in the ethanol industry and in the power generation industry beginning this year.


Cellulosic Biomass to Energy


Veridium holds the rights to patented technologies that use ultrasonic energies to synthesize hydrogen and/or clean fuels from agricultural wastes, including cellulosic biomass.


This technology uses high intensity ultrasonic energies to enable a new type of hydrogen reformation that is capable of significantly reducing the scale at which hydrogen production is cost-effective. This reduction in scale is made possible by a demonstrated 25% reduction in the temperatures required to affect the reformation reaction as compared to standard steam reformation of natural gas (SRNG), and even greater gains as compared to partial oxidation processes (POX). In standard SRNG and POX processes, the reformation reaction is catalysed chemically. The Veridium process leverages mechanical processes to generate ultrasonic energies that in turn catalyse the reformation reaction at lower temperatures.


Initial testing on prototypes of this technology has demonstrated production of hydrogen-rich gases at small scales with varied carbonaceous feedstocks. Once converted, this hydrogen rich gas can be purified and used as a source of energy.


Veridium's focus for the technology this year will be to demonstrate and deploy a commercial-scale pilot version of the technology that converts discarded corn stalks and other cellulosic biomass into clean energy directly at and for ethanol facilities.



mas leña al fuego

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